
206 available services

Culture medium

Ready-to-use culture media or concentrated reagent kits (BG11, M7, S2T2, F/2 with different salinities, LC, Z8, MHY) Soil and Sphagnum extract for M7, S2T2, and LC media. The composition of the culture medium is sent with the medium.

Deposit of microalgae and cyanobacteria

Public deposit of microalgae and cyanobacteria

Determination of monosaccharides (HPLC-RI)

Extraction, hydrolysis, identification, and quantification of monosaccharides from microalgae and cyanobacteria by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-RI).

Determination of pigments (HPLC-DAD)

Extraction, identification and quantification of pigments from microalgae and cyanobacteria by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-DAD)

Determination of the fatty acids profile (GC-FID)

Extraction, identification and quantification of fatty acids from microalgae and cyanobacteria by gas chromatography (GC-FID).

Determination of total lipid and lipid fractions

Extraction and quantification of total lipid from microalgae and cyanobacteria by gravimetric methods; separation and quantification of neutral lipids, glycolipids and phospholipids by column chromatography

Determination of total sugars

Extraction and quantification of total sugars of microalgae and cyanobacteria by gravimetric analysis and spectrophotometry

Genomic DNA of microalgae and cyanobacteria from the collection

Genomic DNA from microalgae and cyanobacteria from collection, minimum of 2 µg of DNA. Qualitative and quantitative assessment by spectrophotometry.

Isolation and preservation

Isolation and preservation of microalgae and cyanobacteria (routine subculture and cryopreservation)

Microalgae and cyanobacteria strains from the collection

Microalgae and cyanobacteria live strains

Taxonomic identification of microalgae and cyanobacteria

Taxonomic identification of microalgae and cyanobacteria using a polyphasic approach (microscopy, molecular biology, biochemistry).

Determination of the Water content of a Sample - Karl Fischer

The Karl Fischer titration is a sensitive method to quantify the % water in various types of samples.

Elemental Analysis

Mass percentage (% m/m) quantification of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), nitrogen (N), sulfur (S) and oxygen (O) present in a sample.

Identification and Quantification of Ions

Quantitative and qualitative determination of ions (anions and cations).

Identification and/or Quantification of Compounds - Chromatographic Methods

Separation of the various components of a mixture, with the aim of identifying and quantifying these components.

Identification and/or Quantification of Compounds - Spectroscopic Techniques

Spectroscopic analysis methods consist of measuring the amount of radiation emitted or absorbed by molecules.

Rheology and Viscosity Analysis

Study of the deformational behavior and the flow of matter subjected to stress, under certain thermodynamic conditions over a period of time. It includes properties such as: elasticity, viscosity and plasticity.

Stability and Particle Size Tests

Determination of particle sizes (from 3 nm to 5000 μm). Aggregation, agglomeration and flocculation studies.

Studies of Surface Properties

Determination of surface chemical and physical properties.

Thermal Analysis

Study of the behavior of materials as a function of time or temperature, when heated, cooled or kept at a constant temperature.

Service provided byCoimbra Laser Lab (CLL)

Chemical Reactivity at Low-Temperatures

Investigations on chemical reactivity at low-temperatures (down to 4 K) trigger by narrowband UV-Vis-IR radiation and using steady-state FTIR spectroscopy

Espectroscopia de fluorescência

i) fluorescência em estado estacionário ii) fluorescência resolvida no tempo

Flash Photolysis

Singlet oxygen detection and quantification.


i) viabilidade celular; ii) fototoxicidade; iii) "uptake"; e iv) mecanismo de morte celular

Infrared and Raman Spectrospcopy

Infrared and Raman spectroscopic analysis applied to materials and food science, astrochemistry, arts and cultural heritage, and fundamental science

Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Spectroscopic Data

Multivariate statistical analysis and extracting information from spectral data through chemometrics

Photoacoustic calorimetry

High precision thermochemistry studies of transient species. Quantum yields of fast photoinduced processes. Detection of fast structural volume changes in molecules and macromolecules.

Photoacoustic tomography

Based on acoustic detection of optical absorption from endogenous chromophores (e.g. hemoglobin) or exogenous contrast agents (organic dyes or nanoparticles), it is an imaging modality with great potential for preclinical research and clinical practice.

Serviços diversos de análise fotoquímica

i) estudos de fotoestabilidade incluindo avalição de fotocatalisadores, etc; ii) estudos espectroscópicos UV-Vis-NIR; iii) estudos fotofísicos; iv) estudos teóricos.

Transient Absorption Spectroscopy

Ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy


The LCG has different array resolutions in order to identify Copy number variations (CNV) and detection of loss of heterozygosity. This diagnosis can be done on pre-natal and post-natal samples.


Cryopreservation in liquid nitrogen

Developmental Disorders

LCG provides solutions in Genomics, Conventional and/or Molecular Cytogenetics and Molecular Biology for genetic studies of Developmental Disorders.

DNA extration

DNA extration from different biological samples.

Genetical family story

These studies are carried out taking into account the alterations present in the index case, using the most appropriate techniques in the set of existing LCG techniques to characterize the alterations.

High resolution banding karyotype

The study of the constitutional karyotype makes it possible to observe the entire genome, being able to identify both balanced and unbalanced structural chromosomal alterations, as well as alterations in the number of chromosomes and mosaics.


Infertility test by Cytogentics and Molecular Biology techniques.

Lymphocyte immortalization

EBV based lymphocyte immortalization

Methylation-specific MLPA (MS-MLPA)

MS-MLPA can be used for the analysis of both methylation as well as copy number changes of syndromic related regions.

Molecular Cytogenetics - Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH)

Molecular cytogenetics (FISH) allows a more detailed study of specific chromosomal regions, increasing the resolving power of conventional cytogenetics. The LCG provides an extensive library of FISH probes.

Molecular Rapid Aneuploidy

The rapid screening of the most common aneuploidies allows, in a short period of time (24h-72h), to evaluate the ploidy (number) of chromosomes 13, 18 and 21 and of the sex chromosomes X and Y.

Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification - MLPA

MLPA can be used for the analysis of copy number changes in DNA of syndromic related regions

Pre-natal non invasive test (NIPT)

Non invasive pre-natal test (NIPT)

Prenatal Diagnosis

The LCG performs a wide variety of exams in Prenatal. The fetal genome can be analyzed more widely, by molecular karyotype (aCGH) and constitutional karyotyope, More specific techniques like FISH, MLPA and MS-MLPA can also be performed whenever necessary.

Tissue Culture

Tissue culture of different tissues.

Training in Cytogenetics and Genomics

Annual 5-day course divided into theoretical, theoretical-practical sessions and 6 practical workshops, with the aim of addressing the evolution from cytogenetics to genomics, both in pre- and postnatal diagnosis and in research and forensic medicine

Capacitação de equipas e indivíduos para a utilização de dados geoespaciais

Dotar os meios humanos de entidades públicas e privadas dos conhecimentos e experiência necessária para implementar soluções sustentadas assentes em dados de Observação de Terra multimissão.

Desenvolvimento de produtos de valor acrescentado a partir de dados de satélite e outras plataformas.

Apoio técnico (consultoria), co-desenvolvimento e distribuição de layers desenvolvidas in-house e por parceiros.

Formação de recursos humanos para a utilização de dados de observação da Terra multimissão

Programas de referência, atendendo às necessidades do mercado e métricas de performance internacionalmente aceites. Workshops temáticos e generalistas de capacitação em tópicos relevantes de Observação da Terra e análise de dados (e.g. machine-learning).

User characterization & engagement

Ativação de comunidades de utilizadores em mercados tradicionais (e.g. floresta, gestão do território). Mapeamento de necessidades, caracterização de territórios e comunidades, desenho e implementação (ou apoio) de ações de ‘engagement’ dos utilizadores.

Cancer molecular profiles

Molecular tumour profiling can predict an individual’s prognosis by interpreting the expression pattern of a panel of tumour-related genes.

Liquid biopsy in cancer

This procedure allows to study DNA and RNA from cancer cells from a tumor that are circulating in the blood. May be used to help find cancer at an early stage and be used to help plan treatment.


Investigate the microbiota composition of complex environments. This application is based on the amplification of a specific region of the 16S rRNA gene for bacteria or the ITS (Internal Transcribed Spacer) region for fungi.

Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA)

This application is commonly used to identify exon-level copy number variants (CNVs) not detected by conventional sequencing.

NGS Panels

NGS panels are collections of genes that have been selected to identify a genetic cause of disease or to study regions of interest. It allows simultaneous sequencing of all the genes, in a faster and more cost-efffective way than conventional sequencing.


RNA-seq allows gene expression analysis across the whole transcriptome or specifically, reveal the presence and quantity of RNA of selected genes.

Sanger Sequencing

SNVs/SNPs identification. This application is also used to identify exon-level copy number variants (CNVs).

SNVs/SNPs Genotyping

SNVs/SNPs identification.

Service provided byGeoSedUC Services

Earth Ecosystems Services

Earth Ecosystems Services - a Parternship in Rendering Services for Sedimentary Earth, Ecology and Surface waters, which integrates several technological platforms



Imagem Animal

Imagem Animal


Aplicação Clinica: POC, Dor, Depressão

PET/CT - Tomografia de positrões com 68Ga-DOTANOC

Aplicação Clinica: Tumores Neuroendocrinos

PET/CT - Tomografia de positrões com 11C-Metionina

Aplicação Clinica: Tumores Cerebrais

PET/CT - Tomografia de positrões com 11C-PK1195

Aplicação Clinica: Infecção/Inflamação cerebral

PET/CT - Tomografia de positrões com 11C-Raclopride

Aplicação Clinica: Síndromes Parkinsónicos

PET/CT - Tomografia de positrões com 18F-Colina

Diagnóstico em Carcinoma da Próstata

PET/CT - Tomografia de positrões com 18F-FDG

Estudo de corpo inteiro ou cardíaco

PET/CT - Tomografia de positrões com 68Ga-PSMA

Aplicação Clinica: Carcinoma da Próstata

Ressonãncia Magnética

Exames de Diagnóstico e Investigação

Access to supercomputer Navigator

Access to cluster Navigator for computing, storage, visualization and data backup. Support is available to all users through a ticketing system.

Advanced Computing Courses

Organization of courses/workshops about advanced computing including: tools, libraries, resource management software, application software and accelerators.

High Performance Computing consulting

HPC consulting, namely about the existing software environment, parallel computing and usage of containers for specific workflows

DNA/RNA extraction

Isolation of nucleic acids from tissues and cells

Image analysis with/without algorithms

Analysis of areas of interest; nuclear / cytological morphometry; evaluation of immunohistochemistry techniques


Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is a method of fiding antigens (e.g. proteins) in tissues by exploiting the principle of specific binding of antibodies to antigens in biological tissue.

Preparation of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) block of tissue

Standard technique to create a formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) block of tissue

Qualitative Real-time PCR

Technology that comprises the entire process from paraffin-embedded tissue sample to the result (nucleic acid isolation, amplification, real-time PCR detection and data analysis) in less than three hours

Scanner of slides

Scanning of slides for digital support

Scanning of slides

Scanning of slides for digital support

Searching for regions on the chromosome by hybridization of fluorescent probes

Molecular cytogenetic technique using fluorescent probes that bind only to certain regions of a nucleic acid sequence with a high degree of complementarity.

Second opinion on requested cases

Cases from other services for a second opinion.

Slide preparation from paraffin blocks

Section of paraffin block to prepare slides for further staining

Staining of cell structures and other agents

Hematoxylin-eosin staining Test for Helycobacter Pylori

Compressive testing of hardened concrete

Determination of the compressive strength of hardened concrete specimens.

Reaction to fire: Gross heat of combustion test

Assessment of the gross heat of combustion of products at constant volume in a bomb calorimeter.

Reaction to fire: Ignitability test

Assessment of the ignitability of products by direct small-flame impingement using vertically oriented test specimens.

Reaction to fire: Non-combustibility test

Assessment of the the non-combustibility performance, under specified conditions, of homogeneous products and substantial components of non-homogeneous products.

Reaction to fire: Radiant panel test

Assessment of the burning behaviour and spread of flame of horizontally mounted floorings exposed to a heat flux radiant gradient, when ignited with pilot flames.

Reaction to fire: Single burning item test

Assessment of the burning behaviour and spread of flame of vertically mounted specimens (in a right angle) exposed to thermal attack by a single burning item (SBI).

Tensile testing of metallic materials

Determination of the mechanical properties of metallic materials at room temperature.

Imaging acquisition by multiphoton microscopy

Multiphoton microscopy on live or fixed samples, from different origins. Specialized technical training.

Imaging aquisition by confocal microscopy

Confocal microscopy on live or fixed biological samples, from different origins. Specialized technical training.

Detecção de expansões em Doenças Neurológicas

Análise de expansões repetidas de nucleótidos (STR-PCR, TP-PCR)

Painéis NGS para Doenças Neurológicas

Sequenciação de Nova Geração (NGS)

Quantificação da Progranulina no soro/plasma

Determinação dos niveis de GRN por Imunoensaio enzimático (ELISA)

Consultancy & Support

Data analytics; risk assessment; instrumentation; calibration; construction; geology; cartography; mitigation; remediation; Big data; others.

Gross Alpha and/or Beta

Measurement of naturally-occurring radionuclides of natural, human-made or both origins, that may pose a risk to human health.

In situ Radon and/or toron exhalation

Measurement of naturally-occurring radionuclides of natural, human-made or both origins, that may pose a risk to human health.

Index I

Measurement of naturally-occurring radionuclides of natural, human-made or both origins, that may pose a risk to human health.

Indoor radon (Rn-222)

Measurement of naturally-occurring radionuclides of natural, human-made or both origins, that may pose a risk to human health.

Polonium (Po-210)

Measurement of naturally-occurring radionuclides of natural, human-made or both origins, that may pose a risk to human health.

Proportion of Biofuel

Determination of the proportion of biofuel in fuels.

Radium (Ra-226)

Measurement of naturally-occurring radionuclides of natural, human-made or both origins, that may pose a risk to human health.

Radon and/or toron exhalation from samples

Measurement of naturally-occurring radionuclides of natural, human-made or both origins, that may pose a risk to human health.

Radon in water (Rn-222)

Measurement of naturally-occurring radionuclides of natural, human-made or both origins, that may pose a risk to human health.

Radon sampling

Collection, preservation and transport of samples for analysis of radioactive parameters.

Sampling for Gross Alpha and/or Beta, or Total Indicative Dose

Collection, preservation and transport of samples for analysis of radioactive parameters.

Sampling for indoor radon (Rn-222)

Placement and/or collection of detectors for radon analysis.

Sampling for terrestrial radionuclides

Collection, preservation and transport of samples for analysis of radioactive parameters.

Soil gas radon

Measurement of naturally-occurring radionuclides of natural, human-made or both origins, that may pose a risk to human health.

Soil gas radon

Measurement of naturally-occurring radionuclides of natural, human-made or both origins, that may pose a risk to human health.

Specialization course in Proficiency tests in the area of ​​ionizing radiation

At the end of the action, participants will be able to interpret the results and be aware of the most relevant aspects associated with their application in specific situations.

Terrestrial radionuclides (Ra-226, Th-232 & K-40)

Measurement of naturally-occurring radionuclides of natural, human-made or both origins, that may pose a risk to human health.

Terrestrial radionuclides (Ra-226, Th-232 & K-40)

Measurement of naturally-occurring radionuclides of natural, human-made or both origins, that may pose a risk to human health.

Total Indicative Dose

Measurement of naturally-occurring radionuclides of natural, human-made or both origins, that may pose a risk to human health.

Training / Seminars / Workshops

Data analytics; Big data; mitigation; remediation; construction; risk assessment; instrumentation; calibration; geology; cartography; others.

Uranium (U-238 & U-234)

Measurement of naturally-occurring radionuclides of natural, human-made or both origins, that may pose a risk to human health.

Service provided byMarefoz Laboratory

Ammonia analysis in liquid matrices

Ammonia Determination by Segmented Continuous Flow with Molecular Absorption Spectrometry

Benthic Macroinvertebrates

Determination and identification by species of the existing benthic community in sediment samples

Nitrate analysis in liquid matrices

Determination of Nitrates by Segmented Continuous Flow with Molecular Absorption Spectrometry

Nitrite analysis in liquid matrices

Determination of Nitrites by Segmented Continuous Flow with Molecular Absorption Spectrometry

Phosphate Analysis in liquid matrices

Determination of Phosphate by Segmented Continuous Flow with Molecular Absorption Spectrometry

Silica Analysis in Liquid Matrices

Determination of Silica by Segmented Continuous Flow with Molecular Absorption Spectrometry

Stable Isotope Analysis (SIA)

Determination of Stable Isotopes by Mass Spectrometry (δ 13C (‰); δ 15N (‰); % C; % N)

Total Nitrogen Analysis in liquid matrices

Determination of Total Nitrogen by Segmented Continuous Flow with Molecular Absorption Spectrometry

Total Phosphorus Analysis in liquid matrices

Determination of Total Phosphorus by Segmented Continuous Flow with Molecular Absorption Spectrometry

Functional studies for evaluating genetic pathogenicity

Group of methodological assays to support Functional Genomics, an integrated analysis that aims to give a functional meaning to genetic mutations, particularly new alterations and/or of unknown significance, as a cause of disease.

Genetic expression studies

Characterization of mRNA. Provides reliable and reproducible characterization of total RNA and mRNA. Objective measurement of RNA quality with RIN (RNA Integrity Number).

Study of the mitochondrial bioenergetics

The laboratory provides functional mitochondrial testing for suspected bioenergetics disorders.

Study of the mitochondrial genome

Allows identification of alterations in mitochondrial DNA, which may elucidate disease and bioenergetics dysfunction. Mitochondrial biology and pathophysiology is a complex field of research, which may help to answer a broad range of questions.

Study of the nuclear genome

Sequencing of whole nuclear exome or individual genes (in familial/trio or individual), including bioinformatics analysis for pathogenicity evaluation. Confirmation of specific mutations.

Theranostics Studies in Precision Medicine

Study of genes associated to pharmacogenomics. Study of biochemical biomarkers, like those associated to wellness.

Carbon coating of samples for SEM imaging/analysis

Revestimento por película de cabono de amostras para análise/imagem por microscopia eletrónica de varrimento SEM

Characterisation of thin films and coatings by Grazing Incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD)

Aquisição de difratogramas de RX em materiais policristalinos (pó) à temperatura ambiente para identificação de fases, quantificação ou refinamento estrutural pelo método de Rietveld.

Electric transport properties (ETO)

Measurement of electrical transport properties (resistivity, Hall effect, I(V) e dI/dV) in the temperature range 1.8 K-400 K and magnetic field 0-9 T.

Elemental quantitative analysis by mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)

Elemental quantitative analysis by mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) in diluted aqueous solutions

Imaging by Electron Scanning Microscopy (SEM)

Imaging by Electron Scanning Microscopy (SEM)

Measurement of the thickness of thin films by X-ray fluorescence (XRF)

Measurement of the thickness of thin films and coatings by X-ray fluorescence (XRF)

Metallic coating of SEM samples by sputtering

Metallic coating of samples for SEM imaging/ analysis by sputtering

Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) at room temperature

Obtenção de imagem por microscopia de força atómica (AFM)

Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) at room temperature (XRD)

Aquisição de difratogramas de RX em materiais policristalinos (pó) à temperatura ambiente para identificação de fases, quantificação ou refinamento estrutural pelo método de Rietveld.

Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) at room temperature (XRD)

Medidas de magnetização em função da temperatura (1.8-400K) e campo magnético aplicado (0-9T) pela técnica VSM

Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) at room temperature (XRD)

Medição de propriedades de transporte térmico

Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) at room temperature (XRD)

Aquisição de difratogramas de RX em materiais policristalinos (pó) a temperatura variável (ambiente - 1450 ºC) para identificação de fases, quantificação ou refinamento estrutural pelo método de Rietveld.

Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) at room temperature (XRD)

Fornecimento de ácido nítrico ultra-puro, obtido por destilação em sub-eubição, para uso em preparação de amostras para análise por ICP-MS

Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) at room temperature (XRD)

Aquisição de perfis de refletometria de RX (XRR) para caracterização de filmes finos e revestimentos (espessura do filme, rugosidade, etc.)

Simultaneous Thermal Analysis (STA) - Thermogravimetry (TG) + Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)

Medição simultânea de variação de entalpia e de massa, em processos de aquecimento e arrefecimento, entre 20 e 1000 ºC para estudo e caracterização termodinâmica de transições de fase, decomposição térmica, etc.

Specific heat measurement (Cp)

Specific heat measurements as function of temperature and applied magnetic field.

Torque Magnetometry (TqM)

Medidas de magnetização em função da temperatura (1.8-400K) e campo magnético aplicado (0-9T) pela técnica de magnetometria de torque

X-ray Fluorescence Analysis (XRF) via Energy Disersive Spectroscopy EDS

Obtenção de espectros de fluorescência de raios-X por excitação de feixe eletrónico (espectroscopia EDS)

1D 13C-NMR Spectrum

Acquisition of 13C-NMR Spectrum

1D 1H-NMR Spectrum

Acquisition of 1H-NMR spectrum.

2D 1H-NMR Spectra

Acquisition of 2D homonuclear NMR spectra

2D heteronuclear NMR spectra

Acquisition of 2D heteronuclear NMR spectra

NMR spectra of less common nuclei (2H, 11B, 19F, 31P, 195Pt, etc)

Acquisition of 1D NMR spectra for less common nuclei

Quantitative 1H-NMR spectroscopy

1D 1H-NMR spectrum with absolute quantification of main species

Structural analysis of small molecules

Assignment of 1D and 2D NMR spectra and structure determination of small molecules from different origins

Consultoria em Saúde Mental

Serviços de consultoria especializada, nas áreas da saúde mental e do bem-estar, destinados a diferentes equipas, organizações e serviços.

Formação em Psicologia Clínica Cognitivo-Comportamental

Cursos de formação para a capacitação e desenvolvimento de diferentes profissionais na área da saúde mental.

Intervenção clínica em Saúde Mental

Serviços de prevenção e tratamento da doença mental e de promoção do bem-estar emocional (Psicologia Clínica Cognitivo-Comportamental e Psiquiatria).

Supervisão clínica de psicólogos

Serviços de supervisão clínica especializada para psicólogos.

Analysis of Fatty Acids (GC, MIDI)

Bacterial Fatty Acids identification and quantification by Gas Chromatography using the standard MIS Library Generation Software (Sherlock Microbial ID System).

Analysis of Polar Lipids (TLC)

Analysis of Polar Lipids from bacterial strains by Thin Layer Chromatography.

Analysis of Respiratory Quinones (HPLC)

Analysis of Respiratory Quinones from bacterial strains by High Performance Liquid Chromatography.

Bacterial Strains from Public Collection

Bacterial Strains from Public Collection: Active cultures | Freeze-dried strains

Beer Analysis

Bacteria detection on WLD selective medium | Bacteria identification | Hemocytometer yeast cell count | Beer specific gravity at 20 °C | pH | Total acidity | Color on SRM scale | Color on EBC scale | Beer bitterness | Total reducing sugars

Biochemical Analysis

Analysis of fatty acids (GC, MIDI) | Analysis of polar lipids (TLC) | Analysis of respiratory quinones (HPLC)

Bioinformatic Services

Whole genome analysis | Phylogenomic analysis

Deposit of Bacterial Strains

Public Deposit | Safe Deposit | Renew the Safe Deposit Service | Annual Maintenance Fee | Release of Strain

Identification and Characterization

Genomic DNA Extraction | Sequencing of 16S rRNA gene | Phylogenetic analysis | Sequence Analysis of Genes | Mol% G+C Content Analysis of Genomic DNA | RAPD Fingerprinting for two Strains | Whole Genome Sequencing of one Prokaryotic strain

Isolation and Preservation

Isolation from a mixed culture plate | Preservation in −80 °C

Microbial Diversity

Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) | Phospholipid Fatty Acid Analysis (PLFA) | Barcoding Sequencing

Other Services

Multiproposes certificates (not related with describing of novel species) | Consultancy | Training and related services

Phenotypic Characterization

Basic Phenotypic Characterization (based on API® strips) | BIOLOG Microplates (for extensive testing of oxidation of different carbon sources) | Morphological study (celular morphologyl, Gram, KOH, catalase, oxidase)

Service provided byViraVector

Consultancy & Support

Plasmid design; Cloning; Vector design and engineering; Purification processes; Chromatography; Clean rooms; Instrumentation; Gene therapy; Cell models; Animal models; Disease models; Assays; Preclinical studies; Data analysis; Others.

Isolation of Extracellular Vesicles / Exosomes from biological fluids

Isolation of Extracellular Vesicles / Exosomes from diferent biological fluids

Production and Purification of Adeno-associated viral vectors (AAVs)

Production of highly pure AAVs (AAV1, AAV2, AAV5, AAV6, AAV8, AAV9, PhP.eB) using an optimized platform based on high performance liquid chromatography.

Production and Purification of Lentiviral vectors (LVs)

Production of highly pure lentiviral vectors using an optimized platform.

Production and Purification of modified exosomes

Production of modified exosomes - extracelular vesicles (EVs)

Titration and Characterization of NON-VIRAL PARTICLES

Measurement and Characterization of non-viral vectors (Extracellular vesicles / Exosomes) in various types of samples using a diferent set of assays.

Titration and Characterization of VIRAL particles

Measurement of viral vector titer (AAV, LV, vesoxome) in various types of samples using a diferent set of assays.

Análise microbiológica de alimentos prontos para consumo e de matérias-primas

Parâmetros a analisar: Microrganismos viáveis a 30ºC Listeria monocytogenes e Listeria spp. Salmonella spp. Enterobacteriaceae Bacillus cereus Staphylococcus aureus Campylobacter spp. Escherichia coli Clostridium perfringens Bolores e leveduras

Análise microbiológica de mãos de manipuladores de alimentos

Parâmetros a analisar Microrganismos viáveis a 30ºC Staphylococcus aureus Escherichia coli

Análise microbiológica de superfícies de ambiente de preparação/distribuição alimentar

Parâmetros a analisar: Microrganismos viáveis a 30ºC Listeria monocytogenes e Listeria spp. Enterobacteriaceae Staphylococcus aureus Escherichia coli Bolores e leveduras

Access to Widefield and Confocal Microscopes

Widefield Microscope with LED-based system (UV 385/30 nm, B 469/38 nm, G 555/30 nm, Y 590/27 nm, and R 631/33 nm) Scanning Confocal Microscope with 4 laser units (Diode 405 nm; Argon/2: 458, 488, 514 nm; DPSS: 561 nm and HeNe: 633 nm)

Microscopy Analysis by Light or Electron Microscopy

Observation and analysis of live or fixed samples.

Microscopy Course

Theoretical and practical training in optical and/or electron microscopy

Sample Processing for Electron Microscopy

The iLAB performs and provides the required materials and equipments necessary for sample processing for electron microscopy including fixation, dehydration, resin embedding and ultramicrotomy.