The audience at PubhD Coimbra "challenges us with questions outside the box"

Mariana Pais integrates the Centre for Biomedical Imaging and Translational Research (CIBIT) and participated in the February edition of PubhD Coimbra. The PhD student in Biomedical Engineering spoke about "The Role of Tryptophan Metabolism in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex".

06 march, 2023≈ 2 min read

Why did you decide to participate in PubhD Coimbra?

It was my supervisor who heard about the initiative and she always likes to encourage us to engage in science communication activities, so that our projects and ideas can reach the community at large. She challenged me and at first I was a bit afraid but I thought "no, I have to try to share my experience and my project", so I signed up.

How was your experience in this edition of PubhD Coimbra?

At first, nervous. But then undoubtedly quite positive. Because the audience turns out to be more general than what I'm used to, and challenges us with questions that are a bit outside the box and to try to explain in a way that everyone understands themes that are not exactly simple.

Would you advise other colleagues to participate?

Yes, without a doubt. It was a great experience and I would definitely recommend it.