"I like to talk about the thesis, I like the polemics". PubhD Coimbra "was an incredible experience that I recommend to everyone!"

The doctoral student of Education Sciences, integrated into the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies (CEIS20), Vera Almeida, was one of the April speakers at PubhD Coimbra. She spoke about "Spirituality in Higher Education... What is it? Could you explain?

12 may, 2023≈ 2 min read

Why did you decide to participate in PubhD Coimbra?

I like to talk about the thesis; I like polemics. I want to make people think and reflect. I like talking about my subject. And here, it attracts a lot of attention because it's a different audience and way (of presenting it).

How was your experience in this edition of PubhD Coimbra?

It was beautiful and incredible. I didn't expect so many people; I expected less. It was exciting; I loved the controversy and questions at the end. It's a pity I didn't hear some of them very well, but for me, it was an amazing experience that I recommend to everyone. And I would like to repeat it and have others!

Would you advise other colleagues to participate?

Of course! PhD students have to participate (in this type of event). Whenever there is any event of this type that the University proposes, I take part; I think that doctoral students have to get involved.