"Being able to share (my work) with colleagues and arouse a little curiosity" is an advantage of PubhD Coimbra

Noise is the main focus of Laura Sousa's PhD research. The PhD student in Civil Engineering is part of the Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Engineering Structures and was one of the February speakers at PubhD Coimbra.

10 march, 2023≈ 2 min read

Why did you decide to participate in PubhD Coimbra?

The first thing is because I really like my job. I love it. And I came here really because I wanted to work in this kind of research. And I like to talk about my work, and often people don't know anything about what I do. Acoustics people usually only remember that it's music, and they never think that it can be related to Civil Engineering. Being able to share that with colleagues and arouse some curiosity gives me a certain satisfaction.

How was your experience in this edition of PubhD Coimbra?

It was funny. I noticed that people were interested, listening and following. It was a good experience and I enjoyed sharing it with colleagues.

Would you advise other colleagues to participate?

Yes, of course. If only to get a bit out of their comfort zone, because some people are uncomfortable presenting their work. Especially if they like what they are doing, if they like to share it with their colleagues, it is a good experience, especially in an informal environment, you are more at ease.