Visit to the PNSAC Geodiversity and Biodiversity, 7-8 May

13 may, 2022≈ 1 min read

The visit to the Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Natural Park (7-8 May 2022), organization of the Geoapanhados and support from the Dep. of Earth Sciences at the Univ. Coimbra and the PNSAC, had 54 participants.

It was guided by P. Proença Cunha (DCT-FCTUC; MARE) and by Raul Coelho (Agrup. Escolas Artur Gonçalves, Torres Novas). It had the exploration of diversified contents (landscape reading, geomorphology, stratigraphy, sedimentology, tectonics, hydrogeology, biology, cultural heritage, etc).