/ 2024/2025 Bachelor's and Integrated Master’s Degrees

Change of Institution/Course Pair

The information concerning the 2024/2025 academic year is currently being updated.

The applications by means of the System of Change of Institution/Course Pair enables a student to enrol and register for (a) course(s) different from the one(s) for which he/she enrolled and registered in previous academic years. It may take place regardless of whether there has been an interruption of enrolment and registration for the course on which the application is based.

Students may request a Change of Institution/Course Pair concerning a Bachelor's Degree or Integrated Master's Degree Course at the University of Coimbra:

  • if they have already been enrolled and registered at another institution/course pair and have not completed the course;
  • if they have sat the national secondary education exams that correspond to the access exams specific to that pair and that year within the scope of the general system of access to higher education;
  • if, on that exams, they get the minimum grade required by the higher education institution in that year within the scope of the general system of access to higher education.
  • if they sat the exams in any academic year;
  • if they entered higher education by means of special contests of access. They should observe specific conditions that must be verified, as laid down in Ordinance no. 181-D/2015, of 19th June.

Regarding the International Students, the aforementioned exams may be substituted by the admission exams established for that pair, for the academic year, within the scope of the Special Contest of Access and Admission for International Students.

ECTS Distribution

The places are distributed in two contingents: the 1st curricular year and the remaining years. The division of the contingents is done according to the number of ECTS credits awarded. The applicant awarded with 35 ECTS credits will be considered as a 1st curricular year student, but if the applicant is awarded with 36 or more ECTS credits, then he/she will be considered a remaining years student. The seriation list is ordered according to this distribution.

The Change of Institution/Course Pair is not allowed in the academic year in which the student has been admitted to a higher education institution/course pair according to any access and admission system, and has enrolled and registered.
Students whose enrolment has expired, pursuant to the Regulation of Expirations in the UC, can only apply to this change system after the two semesters concerning the expiration have finished.
This information does not exempt the students from checking the opening notice concerning the course they want.

To check the Calendar and Opening Notice of the course you want, please select the respective Faculty.