Postdoctoral research grant

Project MUCAEN - Multi-Cam Capsule Endoscopy Imagery: 3d Capsule Location and Detection of Abnormalities

21 junho, 2020≈ 2 mins de leitura

Endoscopic capsule

The University of Coimbra has opened a call for applications, from July 3 to 16, 2020, for a Post-Doctoral Research grant, under the project MUCAEN - Multi-Cam Capsule Endoscopy Imagery: 3d Capsule Location and Detection of Abnormalities, with reference PTDC / EMD-EMD / 28960/2017 - POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028960. The grant will run for 12 months starting in October 2020.

For more information contact Isabel M. Narra Figueiredo.

Official announcement
