string(4) "OptC" Artigos


/ Multimedia

18 June, 2024
University of Coimbra and Coimbra City Council partner to promote architectural and urban documentary heritage
16 June, 2024
Blessing of the folders ceremony brought UC students together in the New Cathedral
11 June, 2024
Innovative therapy against aggressive cancers wins Bluepharma | University of Coimbra Innovation Award
11 June, 2024
University of Coimbra chosen to launch the celebrations of five centuries of Camões' history
08 June, 2024
“Mimesis”: the Theatre and Performance Arts Cycle is ready to start
05 June, 2024
Debate on food safety: 'Safe, nutritious and healthy food'
03 June, 2024
UC Women in Science: Carmo Medeiros
27 May, 2024
MIA-Portugal Ageing Spring School 2024
27 May, 2024
A lot of emotion at the 'Queima das Fitas' 2024 parade
23 May, 2024
First edition of ASUC Academy course proved a success
18 May, 2024
Fighting obesity and overweight from an early age
17 May, 2024
UC General Library hosts photo exhibition 'Silêncio'
14 May, 2024
Projects with 'unlikely links' between science and culture presented at the Initiative for the Promotion of Scientific Culture
06 May, 2024
UC Women in Science: Ana Rosa Jaqueira
03 May, 2024
"UC à Frente" Awards delivered to 34 students
18 April, 2024
Avelara, a species extinct in the wild but preserved in the UC Botanical Garden
17 April, 2024
Mural honouring the 1969 academic crisis inaugurated by the President
10 April, 2024
Mega Pausa+Ativa brings sport to campus I
09 April, 2024
Winning projects of the 5th edition of SeedProjects@UC presented at the Senate Hall
01 April, 2024
UC Women in Science: Sílvia Portugal
26 March, 2024
UC hosts signing of 31 programme contracts to promote careers in scientific research
21 March, 2024
University of Coimbra presents results of project promoting gender equality in research
15 March, 2024
UC students participate in Model United Nations simulation and debate artificial intelligence
09 March, 2024
Winner of the 5th edition of UC 3MT announced
102 articles found for Multimedia