
UC.Space - Interdisciplinary Initiative for Space of the University of Coimbra aims to implement and enhance a collaborative strategy between researchers from different scientific areas of the UC group, in order to contribute to the development of inter and transdisciplinary research of excellence and the resolution of future challenges in this area. UC.Space works in close collaboration with different local, national, regional and international stakeholders to bring about positive change based on space technologies.

The University of Coimbra is thus facing a challenge, in its global vocation, and can occupy a leading position if it adopts a competitive strategy that ensures the combination of valences and the optimisation of resources. For this, it is urgent to join researchers and cross research teams in an integrated and dynamic network in this area at the University of Coimbra

Under the motto 'Exploration drives change', it is intended that the Initiative constitutes an aggregative, collaborative and efficient form, with links to international reference entities, capable of enhancing the recognition of the UC in the area of Space.