Question Answer
Does this financial support have overheads? Awards are not subject to overheads.
What are the scientific areas of the UC's R&D Units? The R&D Units at UC are divided into six major scientific areas. See these areas in https://www.uc.pt/iii/research_centers/centros_investigacao.
What is meant by diverse audiences? Diverse audiences are audiences coming from different domains and with different characteristics, for example: scientific/academic audiences, school audiences, business audiences, innovators/entrepreneurs, educators, parents, sportsmen...
Where can I find the UC Plan for Equality, Equity and Diversity 2019-2023? The UC Plan for Equality, Equity and Diversity 2019-2023 is available here.
What is the University of Coimbra Group? The UC Group includes Research and Development Units, Organic Units, UECAFS, Biocant, IPN,Itecons, Scientific and technological platforms at UC, Science Centers, etc
What to put in the Communication Plan? The Communication Plan should be brief and indicate the main audiences, specific objectives and actions/activities to be executed in this plan. The communication channels used must also be mentioned.
What is the deadline for the financial execution of the projects? The financial execution of the projects must be done by December 2021, but the activities may extend into the first months of 2022, as long as a valid justification is provided.