/ iiiUC Supports / PostDoc@UC


The PostDocs@UC initiative was founded in 2013, since then more than 100 members representing 17 different research centers at UC have registered. The initiative is hosted by IIIUC that supports the ideas and objectives for PostDocs@UC, and offers invaluable logistic assistance. PostDocs@UC is grateful for the trust shown by IIIUC.

The PostDocs@UC initiative is a platform for postdoctoral scientists to network and developed activities related to their interests. PostDocs@UC is member driven, meaning they decide, promote and organize the activities, which they deem relevant for them. Furthermore, active participation is an excellent way of potentiate professional growth through networking, promoting excellence, developing scientific ideas and increase the visibility of the postdoctoral community's role at University of Coimbra.

The type activities envisaged are workshops, seminars, symposiums, and debates. Organized for PostDocs, and by PostDocs, but open to professors, researchers and students, and the general public.

Please consult the Activities section on this webpage to see the past accomplishments and planned events by PostDocs@UC.

In this context a PostDoc is defined as a researcher holding a PhD degree and affiliated with University of Coimbra on a temporary contract e.g. PostDoc Fellows, FCT investigator, Ciência Program Investigators.


Objectives - Long Term

  • Increase the visibility of postdoctoral researchers within University of Coimbra;
  • Professional growth;
  • Advance science of excellence;
  • Stimulate interdisciplinary activities;
  • Networking;

Objectives - Short Term

  • Formalize the representation of each research center within PosDoc@UC, and of the initiative towards the University of Coimbra and the IIIUC;
  • Draft the bylaws for postdoctoral researchers developing their work within UC and present this draft to the rectory;
  • Organize one activity (Symposium or Workshop);
  • Organize the PostDoc Day 2014;