/ The Faculty / Structure and Management Bodies

Pedagogic Council


The Pedagogical Council should:

  1. Approve the regulation for the assessment of students’ performance;
  2. Promote the accomplishment of regular surveys concerning the pedagogical performance of the Faculty, as well as their analysis and dissemination;
  3. Promote the accomplishment of the assessment of professors’ pedagogical performance, as well as their analysis and dissemination;
  4. Give its opinion on the creation of cycles of studies and the curriculum of the cycles of studies offered by the Faculty;
  5. Give its opinion on the expiration regime;
  6. Give its opinion on the academic year’s calendar and the examination schedule;
  7. Give its opinion on the establishment of academic awards;
  8. Appraise complaints concerning pedagogical issues and propose the necessary measures;
  9. Give its opinion on the pedagogical guidelines, and the teaching and assessment methods;
  10. Elaborate its regulation;
  11. Perform other duties entrusted to it by the law, the Statutes of the University of Coimbra or the current Statutes.



  • Doutora Maria Paula Barbas de Albuquerque Paixão (Diretora da Faculdade)

Representantes dos Docentes:

  • Doutora Maria Madalena dos Santos Torres Veiga de Carvalho
  • Doutora Carlos Manuel Folgado Barreira
  • Doutora Sónia Guadalupe dos Santos Ribeiro Neves de Abreu

Representantes dos Estudantes dos 1.º, 2.º e 3.º Ciclos:

  • Inês Sofia Ramos Carvalho
  • Marco Rafael Nunes Simões
  • Alexandra Sofia Fernandes Pinto
  • João Pedro Rebocho da Cruz