/ Psychological Tests / Forensic

Brief Self-Control Scale (BSCS)

Portuguese version

Pechorro, P., DeLisi, M., Gonçalves, R., Quintas, J., & Palma, V. (2021). The Brief Self-Control Scale and its refined version among incarcerated and community youths: Psychometrics and measurement invariance. Deviant Behavior, 42, 425-442. https://doi.org/10.1080/01639625.2019.1684942

Original version

Tangney, J., Baumeister, R., & Boone, A. (2004). High self-control predicts good adjustment, less pathology, better grades, and interpersonal success. Journal of Personality, 72, 271-324. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.0022-3506.2004.00263.x

Theoretical background

The BSCS is a short 13-item self-report format measure of the general self-control construct. The BSCS was developed from the original Self-Control Scale (SCS). The BSCS total score is obtained, after the appropriate items have been reversed, by adding the answer given to each item on a 5-point ordinal format (from 1=Totally false, to 5=Totally true). Higher scores indicate higher levels of self-control.


Assessment Domain: Self-control.

Type of Instrument: Self-report questionnaire.

Number of items: 13 items.


Pedro Pechorro (ppechorro@gmail.com).


  1. Pechorro, P., Pontes, C., DeLisi, M., Alberto, I., & Simões, M. (2020). Escala Breve de Autocontrolo: Validação e invariância numa amostra de jovens portugueses [Brief Self-Control Scale: Validation and invariance in a sample of Portuguese young people]. Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación Psicológica, 54, 5-17. https://doi.org/10.21865/RIDEP54.1.01
  2. Pechorro, P., DeLisi, M., Gonçalves, R., Quintas, J., & Palma, V. (2021). The Brief Self-Control Scale and its refined version among incarcerated and community youths: Psychometrics and measurement invariance. Deviant Behavior, 42, 425-442. https://doi.org/10.1080/01639625.2019.1684942