/ Psychological Tests / Cognitive Screening

Clock Drawing Test (CDR)

Portuguese version

Santana, I., Duro, D., Freitas, S., Alves, L., & Simões, M. R. (2013). The Clock Drawing Test: Portuguese norms, by age and education, for three different scoring systems. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 28(4), 375-387. https://doi.org/10.1093/arclin/act016

Original version

Battersby, W.S., Bender, W. S., Pollack, M., & Kahn, R. L. (1956). Unilateral spatial agnosia (inattention) in patients with cerebral lesions. Brain, 79(1), 68-93. https://doi.org/10.1093/brain/79.1.68

Goodglass, H., & Kaplan, E. (1983). The assessment of aphasia and related disorders. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger.Sunderland, T., Hill, J. L., Mellow, A. M., Lawlor, B. A., Gundersheimer, J., Newhouse, P. A., & Grafman, J. H. (1989). Clock drawing in Alzheimer’s disease: A novel measure of dementia severity. Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 37, 725-729. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1532-5415.1989.tb02233.x

Background and description

The Clock Drawing Test (CDT) is a pencil-and-paper classic instrument developed to assess visuospatial functions related to the parietal lobes. Forthcoming studies suggested the involvement of other cognitive functions (e.g., symbolic and graphomotor representation, auditory linguistic abilities, executive functions, hemiattention, semantic memory and conceptual abilities).

The CDT has been used as a cognitive screening instrument particularly useful to differentiate cognitively normal individuals from groups with cognitive impairment, namely, Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and multiple forms of cognitive impairment and dementia.
The Portuguese research with the CDT (listed below) includes validation studies with clinical groups with MCI and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as with the primary neurodegenerative and vascular conditions with associated cognitive deficits (e.g., Frontotemporal dementia, Dementia with Lewy Bodies, Parkinson’s disease dementia and vascular dementia). Also, the analysis of the different scoring systems, the examination of the impact of sociodemographic and health variables, psychometric and normative data, and the correlation with biological and neuroimaging variables are also provided.

Assessment Domain: Cognitive.

Type of Instrument: Paper-and-pencil test, cognitive screening and performance test.


Diana Duro (diana.duro@gmail.com).


  1. Duro, D. (2020). the Clock Drawing Test in the detection of Cognitive Impairment: Validation studies for the Portuguese population. Tese de Doutoramento em Envelhecimento e Doenças Crónicas apresentada à Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra. [PhD thesis]
  2. Duro, D., Carneiro, D., Freitas, S., Pereira, M., Santiago, B., & Santana, I. (2015). Validation studies of the Clock Drawing Test in Mild Cognitive Impairment. European Journal of Neurology, 22(1), 496. https://doi.org/10.1159/000079198
  3. Duro, D., Cerveira, P., Santiago, B., Cunha, M. J., de Lima, P. J. M., Botelho, M. A., & Santana, I. (2019). Clock Drawing Test in Mild Cognitive Impairment: Correlation with cerebral perfusion in single-photon emission computed tomography. Neuropsychology, 33(5), 617-632. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/neu0000549
  4. Duro, D., Freitas, S., Alves, L., Simões, M. R., & Santana, I. (2012). O Teste do Desenho do Relógio: Influência das variáveis sociodemográficas e de saúde na população portuguesa [The Clock Drawing Test: Influence of sociodemographic and health variables on the Portuguese population]. Sinapse, 12(1), 5-12.
  5. Duro, D., Freitas, S., Alves, L., Simões, M. R., & Santana, I. (2011). O Teste do Desenho do Relógio na população portuguesa: Dados preliminares [The Clock Drawing Test in the Portuguese population: Preliminary data]. Sinapse, 11(2), 67.
  6. Duro, D., Freitas, S., Tábuas-Pereira, M., Santiago, B., Botelho, M. A., & Santana, I. (2019). Discriminative capacity and construct validity of the Clock Drawing Test in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’ s disease. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 33(7), 1159-1174. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13854046.2018.1532022
  7. Duro, D., Tábuas-Pereira, M., Freitas, S., Santiago, B., Botelho, M. A., & Santana, I. (2018). Validity and Clinical Utility of Different Clock Drawing Test Scoring Systems in Multiple Forms of Dementia. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 31(3), 114-122. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0891988718774432.
  8. Freitas, S., & Simões, M. R. (2010). O Teste do Desenho do Relógio como instrumento de rastreio cognitivo [The Clock Drawing Test as a tool for cognitive screening]. Psicologia, Educação e Cultura, XIV(2), 319-338.
  9. Santana, I., Duro, D., Freitas, S., Alves, L., & Simões, M. R. (2015). Teste do Desenho do Relógio (TDR) [Clock Drawing Test, CDT]. In M. R. Simões, I. Santana & Grupo de Estudos de Envelhecimento Cerebral e Demência (Eds.), Escalas e Testes na Demência (3.ª ed.; pp. 38-43) [Scales and Tests in Dementia, 3rd ed.]. Novartis.