
14 January, 2023
"Memórias da Plantação: episódios de racismo quotidiano" de Grada Kilomba comentário por Sofia José Santos
14 January, 2023
Nestlé e Nutriva juntam-se à “Rede Parceiros” FEUC
14 January, 2023
Sonae e El Corte Inglés são novos membros da “Rede Parceiros” da FEUC
13 January, 2023
Before the Flood, a film to reflect on next February 9th
12 January, 2023
Conversations | Climate Change and Sustainability
12 January, 2023
Xavier de Basto decorated by the President of the Republic
03 January, 2023
FEUC professor and students awarded at the XXII Grudis Conference
01 January, 2023
"This changes everything: capitalism vs the climate" de Naomi Klein - comentário por Susana Garrido
01 January, 2023
O livro, da autoria de Sílvia Ferreira et al., “Trajetórias Institucionais e Modelos de Empresa Social em Portugal” foi distinguido com o Prémio António Sérgio 2022
13 December, 2022
Schedule for the 2nd semester 2022/2023 | class enrolling calendar
12 December, 2022
Portal de Emprego da UC – Job Teaser
12 December, 2022
2ª Edição do Curso "Porquê Estudar, Como Estudar"
12 December, 2022
Simão Rodrigo Marques da Silva receives Professor Jacinto Nunes Prize from Banco de Portugal
12 December, 2022
UC study analyzes 70 European banks and warns of the impact of earnings management on banking efficiency
02 December, 2022
50 Anos da FEUC - JE TV
02 December, 2022
CeBER Working Paper No. 2023-1 | Management and Human Capital Employment: an overlooked Relationship
01 December, 2022
23 November, 2022
CeBER Working Paper No. 2022-8 | Financial Literacy, Human Capital and Long-Run Economic Growth
09 November, 2022
Entry and Competition of Retail Pharmacies: A Case Study of OTC Drugs Sales and Ownership Deregulation
Keynote Speakers
01 November, 2022
International Conference on Economics and Business Roads to Sustainability (ICEBRS): Keynote speakers announced
13 October, 2022
FEUC joins the Business Graduates Association
12 October, 2022
Exposição Fotográfica | (des)encontros | Rita de Almeida
11 October, 2022
Mil Folhas, FEUC library bulletin (nº6)
10 October, 2022
Minister of Territorial Cohesion opens the MBA school year for FEUC Executives
203 articles found