
UC News
18 January, 2022
A 'very fortunate' week for the General Library of the University of Coimbra
UC News
17 January, 2022
COVID-19: international study shows that compassion and social connection reduce the risk of post-traumatic stress
UC News
13 January, 2022
Scientists create global database to predict the role of crops pollinators worldwide
UC News
12 January, 2022
Innovation Award Bluepharma | University of Coimbra: applications open
UC News
12 January, 2022
Research project of the University of Coimbra aims to verify if CO₂ may be used in the production of geothermal energy
UC News
11 January, 2022
UC researcher helps discover rugby ball-shaped exoplanet
UC News
10 January, 2022
UC researcher wins 1.9 million European grant to discover the structural dynamics of molecular motors
UC News
04 January, 2022
University of Coimbra and the National Road Safety Authority establish partnership
UC News
23 December, 2021
End of year message from the President of the General Council of the University of Coimbra | Season's Greetings
UC News
22 December, 2021
End of year message from the Rector of the University of Coimbra | Season's Greetings
UC News
17 December, 2021
Official Launch of the Doctoral Programme in Experimental Biology and Biomedicine
UC News
15 December, 2021
UC wins the 2021 edition of the Portugal Digital Awards
UC News
14 December, 2021
UC scientists study tick-borne bacterium
UC News
13 December, 2021
UC 3MT with applications open
UC News
09 December, 2021
University of Coimbra gets 1.2 million euros to study autism
UC News
07 December, 2021
COVID-19: international study assesses emotional responses of frontline healthcare workers
UC News
06 December, 2021
Book Launch: “Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: institutional policies, research and practices in Europe” | Coimbra University Press
UC News
03 December, 2021
University of Coimbra with inclusive library for people with visual impairments and neuromotor disorders
UC News
30 November, 2021
Study from the University of Coimbra reveals how Parkinson's disease may have its origins in the gut
UC News
29 November, 2021
University of Coimbra conducts pioneering clinical trial of brain-stimulating medical device for children
UC News
28 November, 2021
UC team wins the European Grand Final of the EITHealth Innovation Days 2021
UC News
25 November, 2021
“UC à Frente” Awards Ceremony to be held this Friday
UC News
24 November, 2021
International Fair of Minerals, Gemstones and Fossils at the UC
UC News
22 November, 2021
Puccini’s “Messa di Gloria”, an inclusive concert
896 articles found