
Registration in all exams is mandatory.

  • During the normal and resit periods: InforEstudante - Registration Menu for Exams up to 3 business days before the exam date (Example: Exam on Tuesday - the last day for registration is on Thursday of the previous week; Exam on Friday - the last day for registration is on Tuesday of the same week.)
    • o In exceptional situations, late registration may be requested by filling out this form (Late Registration Form for Assessment Exams). You should then wait for a response from GAALA – Gabinete de Apoio às Atividades Letivas e à Avaliação, with authorization to take the exam and information about the room where the assessment will take place.
  • During the special period: InforEstudante - Exam Registration Menu up to 2 days before the exam date.
    More information about the special period


1º Ciclo

2º Ciclo

Pausa Letiva, Época Normal, Época de Recurso e Época Especial

3º Ciclo

Época Normal, Época de Recurso e Época Especial

Regimes e Momentos de Avaliação 2023/2024