12 December, 2022
The article by Elsa Rodrigues, DCV researcher, shows the importance of choosing certain species from the Portuguese coast for consumption
02 December, 2022
3 DCV researchers are internationally recognized
30 November, 2022
Due dates and defense of early special season dissertations
30 November, 2022
Francisco Alejandro López Nuñez has just defended his PhD thesis
28 November, 2022
Miguel Mano, professor at DCV, participates in an international study that results in an article published in "Nature Communications"
28 November, 2022
Article in "Science" by an international team that included DCV researchers
28 November, 2022
Project SPRING is publicized on Antena 1 in an interview with Sílvia Castro
25 November, 2022
Francisco Curate, DCV researcher, developed a software called CADOES
22 November, 2022
"Why do we need sleep?": the podcast (IN)Pertinente with the participation of Paulo Gama, professor at DCV
22 November, 2022
Open call for research grant in the field of Biological Anthropology
14 November, 2022
Daniela Rodrigues, investigadora do DCV, distinguida com o Prémio Maria de Sousa
14 November, 2022
The most recent episode of "Biosfera" has the participation of Sílvia Castro, researcher at the DCV
10 November, 2022
Helena Freitas, DCV teacher, receives the award for the "Inspiring Portugal"
10 November, 2022
Episode 33 of RTP2's Biosphere program featured Susana Gonçalves and Sheena Sahadevan
08 November, 2022
Natural mummification occurs more and more in Portuguese cemeteries
04 November, 2022
Ana Afonso defended her PhD thesis and becomes the latest DCV Doctor
03 November, 2022
DCV with 8 researchers, in 55 UC members, in the list "World's Top 2% Scientists 2022"
03 November, 2022
Article by Mariana Palma and Ivan Viegas, among others, has just been published journal of high impact factor
31 October, 2022
Study led by Irina Moreira, professor at DCV, develops platform that predicts the effect of drugs to treat cancer
31 October, 2022
Sérgio Timóteo, researcher at the DCV, leads an international team
25 October, 2022
Paula Morais, professor at DCV, is part of an international team led by FCTUC
25 October, 2022
Do we really see in color? Paulo Gama, professor at the DCV, explains in the (In)pertinent
21 October, 2022
Two DCV Biology students among the 70 New Talents 2022
19 October, 2022
The effectiveness of optical techniques in the early diagnosis of cancer has been proven
388 articles found