Investigadores do Centro de Geociências participaram no 5th International Summer University Geoparks, sustainable regional development and healthy lifestyles

01 october, 2021≈ 2 min read

O 5th International Summer University Geoparks, sustainable regional development and healthy lifestyles que decorreu nos dias 19 a 21 de julho, este ano em verão webinar, contou com a participação de membros do Centro de Geociências da Universidade de Coimbra.

Emmaline Rosado –IGCP Project co-leader / MixtecaAlta UNESCO Global Geopark (Mexico)

‘IGCP 736 Project: SEDSNet-Science and Education for Sustainable Development Networks in UNESCO Global Geoparks’;

´Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in Latin America and Caribbean UNESCO Global Geoparks: looking through the 2030 Agenda SDGs´

Nuno Vaz –CGeo–GeosciencesCentre (Portugal)

Project ´AtlanticGeopark´: Scienceandeducationfor sustainabledevelopment

Elizabeth Silva –Portuguese NationalCommissionfor UNESCO / ScienceSector

´ThecontributionoftheUNESCO Global Geoparksto the2030 Agenda´

As palestras podem ser vistas nos seguintes links:

Dia 2 (Nuno Vaz – 3:11:20): link

Dia 3 (Elizabeth Silva; Emmaline Rosado – início do vídeo): link