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Geo-resources, Geomaterials and Environment

The Research Group (GT2) aims to develop solutions that foster the responsible and sustainable use of geo-resources,integrating socioeconomic and environmental perspectives throughout the lifecycle of resources, from the prospecting of raw materials to waste recycling. It encompasses four programs: 2A. Water, 2B. Mineral Resources and Circular Economy, 2C. Energy Transition and Geo-Resources, 2D.Engineering Geology and Geomaterials.

Ana Castilho
Luís Sousa
João Pratas

2A. Water

2A investigates water, its variability across space and time, and the diversity of hydrogeologicalsystems, namely:

2B. Mineral Resources and Circular Economy

2B tracks the lifecycle of mineral resources from raw material prospecting to waste recycling, across four themes:

2C. Energy Transition and Geo-Resources

2C addresses issues related to territorial energy matrices for the responsible and sustainable development of regions and communities. It comprises two themes:

2D. Engineering Geology and Geomaterials

At the intersection of geology and engineering, Program 2D explores the properties, deterioration,and interactions of geological materials, organized into four themes:

The CGeo GT2 group combines a multidisciplinary team of researchers from the fields of Earth Sciences and Engineering and Technology, and represents a commitment to using geotechnology to help local communities solve concrete issues, with an emphasis on sustainability and responding to global challenges. It combines a multidisciplinary approach to develop innovative solutions that improve water quality, minimize environmental impacts and pollution (SDG 6.3 to 6.6, SDG 15.1); promote resource availability, energy efficiency and the circular economy (SDG 12.2, 4, and 8); and increase the resilience of the built environment, seeking to work in harmony with natural systems (SDG 11.3, and 7).