
/ Call for Papers

17 July, 2024
Religion and Cinema: from representation to expression
27 June, 2024
II Colloquium on Interdisciplinarity
31 May, 2024
Registration is now open for the International Seminar on Modes of Production - Performing Arts in Transition
28 May, 2024
IV Communication Sciences Conference
21 May, 2024
Theatre About Science: Performing and Communicating
17 April, 2024
IX Colloquium on Qualitative Research in Human Motricity
23 March, 2024
School textbooks: national and international historical perspectives
15 February, 2024
Revista Mediapolis – Olimpismo. Contributos a partir dos estudos sobre media, jornalismo e comunicação
15 January, 2024
3rd Summer School in Economic and Social History
04 January, 2024
Weaving communities: Paths of the Arts in Social Intervention, Education and Citizenship
07 December, 2023
Stylo – Journal of Artistic Studies (FLUC)
02 December, 2023
Theatre about Science: Theory and Practice
13 October, 2023
76th International Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions Conference (ICHRPI)
28 June, 2023
Mediapolis Journal - "The media and the transition to democracy"
28 June, 2023
9th International Congress on Mathematics and Computation in Music (MCM'24)
27 April, 2023
Brazilian Journal of International Politics (RBPI)
26 April, 2023
Literature as Memory: Fiction and the Great War in Africa
14 April, 2023
15th German Congress of Lusitanists
29 March, 2023
IX Meeting of Young Researchers
14 February, 2023
Paths of Historiography: History and Social Sciences from the 1940s to the Present
01 February, 2023
Analytical Music 2023 – Interdisciplinary Approaches to Musical Time
27 January, 2023
IV Congress of the Association of Portuguese Archaeologists
05 January, 2023
Twentieth-Century Studies Journal
04 January, 2023
UC Music: Perspectives and Intersections
30 articles found for Call for Papers