/ Education / Training courses

Course: Food, Heritage and Territory

May 16, 2024

On 16 May, Oliveira do Hospital will host the course ‘Food, Heritage and Territory’, an initiative promoted by the Centre for Classical and Humanistic Studies in collaboration with the local town hall.

This initiative addresses the growing need to provide tools for those who are involved in valorising their territories and who wish to contribute in this area.

The course will take place from 10am to 5.30pm, with a break for lunch, and will be held in the Salão Nobre of Oliveira do Hospital Town Hall. Registration ends on 10 May.

More information by e-mail: alim.patrimonio.territorio@gmail.com


Secondary and Professional school teachers

Gastronomy, Hospitality and Tourism students

Tourist agents

General public


Carmen Soares


Carmen Soares | Carlos Baptista | Patrícia de Gomensoro


Oliveira do Hospital City Council | Training Centre for School Associations - Coimbra Interior
