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Maria José Azevedo Santos

Maria José Azevedo Santos

Historian of the Portuguese Middle Ages.

Professor at FLUC, with a pedagogical and scientific career developed in close contact with universities, schools, archives, and libraries, both in Portugal and abroad. Within her area of expertise in Latin and Portuguese Medieval Palaeography and Diplomatic, has spoken in more than 200 conferences, seminars, and short courses, in several European countries and in Brazil.

Researcher at the Centre for the History of Society and Culture of the University of Coimbra.

From 2003 and 2011, Director of the Archive of the University of Coimbra. Creator of the Art of Reading Award aimed at promoting historical research using palaeographic resources.

Director of the master’s degree in Food: Sources, Culture and Society at FLUC, has given numerous conferences, published several studies, and promoted scientific initiatives within the field of the History of Portuguese Food. Several of her works in this domain were awarded, such as Dining and singing at the Court of D. João III (the Dr. Possidónio Mateus Laranjo Coelho Award, from the Portuguese Academy of History, in 2003).

Selected Publications

As regras da Regra – Santa Clara códice do século XVI. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2015.

Assina quem sabe e lê quem pode. Leitura, transcrição e estudo de um rol de moradias da Casa de D. Catarina de Áustria (1526). ed. 1. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2004.

Jantar e cear na corte de D. João III. ed. 1. Vila do Conde, Coimbra: Centro de História da Sociedade e da Cultura e Câmara Municipal de Vila do Conde, 2002.

“A mesa em tempos medievais. Teorias e práticas”, in Actas do 4.º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos. Faculdade de Farmácia: Universidade de Coimbra, 2001, 1-5.

A alimentação em Portugal na Idade Média. Fontes. Cultura. Sociedade ed. 1. Coimbra: Inatel, 1997.

“O mais antigo livro de cozinha português – receitas e sabores”, Revista Portuguesa de História, XXVII (1993) 63-101.

“O peixe e a fruta na alimentação da corte de D. Afonso V – breves notas”, Brigantia, II (1983) 307-343.