José Manuel Sobral

Bachelor’s degree in History and PhD in Anthropology.

Main researcher of the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon and Director of the journal “Análise Social”.

Supervisor of 25 master’s theses in Anthropology and Sociology and supervisor and co-supervisor of 8 doctoral theses (in Anthropology, Sociology, History, Human Geography and History of Africa). Currently supervisor of 7 ongoing doctoral theses in Anthropology, Sociology and History, and co-supervisor of 2 others.

Coordinator of the PhD Program in Anthropology of the ICS-Ul.

Main research interests: Portuguese rural society; social memory; nationalism; racism; food.

Selected Publications

“Culinária e Classe: a Cozinha Portuguesa da Obscuridade à Consagração (séculos XIX-XX)”, Ruris 2 (2007) 13-52.

“Cozinha, Nacionalismo e Cosmopolitismo em Portugal”, Manuel Villaverde Cabral Karin Wall, Sofia Aboim e Filipe Carreira da Silva (eds.), Itinerários: A Investigação nos 25 anos do ICS. Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2008, pp. 99-123.

J. M. Sobral, Monica Truninger, “Contested Food authenticities: A review of consumers perspectives”, in M.B. Oliveira, I. Mafra e J. S. Amaral (eds.), Current Topics on Food Authentication. Trivandrum, Kerala-India: Trasnworld Research Network, 2011, pp. 1-22.

​Sobral, J. M. e Patrícia Rodrigues, “O fiel amigo”: o bacalhau e a identidade portuguesa”, Etnográfica, 17 (3), Outubro 2013: 619-649.

“The Country, the Nation and the Region in Representations of Food and Cuisine””, in Sobral, J. M., Domingos, N. e H. G. West (eds.) Food between the Country and the City. Ethnographies of a Changing Global Foodscape, Londres: Bloomsbury, 2014, pp. 145-160.