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Susana Barata Gomes

Susana Barata Gomes

Previous academic background: bachelor’s degree in Sociology (ISCTE, Lisbon), master’s degree in American Studies and postgraduate degree in Sociology of the Territory.

Areas of interest: food sociology; food identities; food education; new eating habits; food; environment.

Selected Publications and Seminar presentations

Mormont, M., Spaargaren, G. and Gomes, S. (Eds.), Transport and Risk Communication – Belgium, Portugal and the Netherlands, Peter Lang: Frankfurt; Berlin; Bern; New York; Paris; Wien, 1997.

Gomes, Susana B., Félix, Sara; Oliveira Ana C. (2017), “O papel do grupo na perda de peso e na aquisição de novos hábitos alimentares”, in Encontros com a Identidade, Psicólogos Associados / Museu de História Natural Lisboa.