/ Education / PhD / Food Heritage: Cultures and Identities / People / Students

Margarida Pinto de Abreu

Margarida Pinto de Abreu

Maria Margarida Sarmento Gomes Mota Pinto de Abreu, Pharmacist (Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon), master’s degrees in Gastronomic Sciences (FCT, Nova University Lisbon) and in Occupational Risk Prevention (European University Miguel Cervantes), Safety and Health at Work Specialist, postgraduate in Food Safety Management Systems (SGS, Portugal), specialist in Safety Management (Open University) and PhD student in Food Heritage: Cultures and Identities (Faculty of Arts and Humanities , University of Coimbra).

Scholarship of Merit for academic performance in the PhD program Food Heritage: Cultures and Identities (Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra), year 2017/2018, and Award for having completed the Master in Gastronomic Sciences (FCT, Nova University Lisbon) with the highest mark in the school year 2017/2018.

Professional career covering the areas of research and management systems, as researcher in a Research and Development laboratory, senior manager in the areas of Human Resources, Health and Safety, Risk Management, Safety, Environment, Assets and Facilities, in multinational companies and multidisciplinary teams. Extensive experience in the industrial sector, as Head of a Cluster of 7 factories in the EU, and in services and operations of business units. Certified trainer with collaboration with higher, secondary, and professional institutions, for the organization and teaching of specialized courses and workshops.

Current research interests: food history; food heritage; the role of food in health and physical and emotional well-being; the production of foods with therapeutic potential; food as a medicine; baking and gastronomic sciences.

Goals of her current activity: to contribute to the preservation of food heritage and to pass knowledge and flavors to the future generations, bringing the gastronomic sciences closer to the public addressing the concerns and issues of consumers and organizations.