Isabel Drumond Braga

[Open Class: The European and Portuguese origins of vegetarianism in Portugal, 29.04.2016]

[Open Class: The Jornal da Mulher (1910-1937): domestic economics advices and culinary recipes, 20.04. 2018]

History assistant professor with aggregation at the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon, where she teaches since 1990.

Main areas of research and teaching: social history, gender history, cultural history, and history of everyday practices, especially food history, of modern and contemporary ages.

Member of several research projects in Portugal, Spain, and Brazil, of which stands out, in this context, the project DIAITA: Food Heritage of Lusophony. Supervisor of postdoctoral, doctoral and master's projects, in the areas of history of the Inquisition, history of cultural practices and food history. In the latter context she has studied products (sweets, ice cream, fish, and various products from the American continent), prescriptions (of lay and conventual origin), literature (proverbs and authors such as Armando Ferreira), dietetics and gastronomy (food diets of minorities, vegetarianism in Portugal, gastronomy, and tourism), not forgetting the history of menus and sociability and table etiquette, food advertising and domestic economy.

Selected Publications

BRAGA, Isabel Drumond, Das Origens do Vegetarianismo em Portugal: Amílcar de Sousa (1876-1940), o apóstolo verde, Lisboa, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, 2018, no prelo.

​BRAGA, Isabel Drumond, Sabores e Segredos. Receituários Conventuais Portugueses da Época Moderna, Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, Annablume, 2015, 412pp. ISBN 978-989-26-1079-5. ISBN Digital 978-989-26-1080-1.

​BRAGA, Isabel Drumond, Os Menus em Portugal. Para uma História das Artes de servir à Mesa, Lisboa, Chaves Ferreira Publicações, 2006, 240 pp. ISBN 972-794-264-4. Versão inglesa sob o título Menus. Towards a history of the art of serving at table, Lisboa, Chaves Ferreira Publicações, 2006, 240 pp. ISBN 972-8987-07-2.

BRAGA, Isabel Drumond, Do Primeiro Almoço à Ceia. Estudos de História da Alimentação, Sintra, Colares Editora, 2004, 160 pp. ISBN 972-782-070-0.

BRAGA, Isabel Drumond, “Carne e Peixe: Uma Hierarquia de Consumos Alimentares”, Animais e Companhia na História de Portugal, coordenação de Isabel Drumond Braga e Paulo Drumond Braga, Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 2015, pp. 35-85.

BRAGA, Isabel Drumond, “Confeiteiros na Época Moderna: Cultura Material, Produção e Conflituosidade”, Ensaios sobre o Património Alimentar Luso-Brasileiro, coordenação de Carmen Soares e Irene Coutinho de Macedo, Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2014, pp. 165-192.