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Inês de Ornellas e Castro

Inês de Ornellas e Castro

[Open Class: Aula Aberta: From Apicius to us: Influences of Rome in Western cuisine, 18.12.2015]

[Open Class: From Medical Art to the Art of Cooking: a dialogue with centuries, 23.03.2018]

Visiting Assistant Professor at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Nova University of Lisbon, where she has been teaching Latin.

PhD in Latin Language and Culture at Nova University of Lisbon (2007), with the thesis “De la table des dieux à la table des hommes. La symbolique de l'alimentation dans l'Antiquité romaine” (L' Harmattan, 2011).

Organizer and teacher in free courses on food history. Author of several translations of Greek and Latin authors, neo-Latin medicine texts and of articles on the cultural history of the body and of food in antiquity and modern times. Mainly focus on the translation and study of neo-Latin medical art texts by Portuguese authors.

Since 2007, member of the Executive Committee of the Institute for the Study of Literature and Tradition (HR). S.H - U.N.L.), where she directs the research line Intangible heritage and cultural imagination; co-coordinator, along with Carmen Soares, of the transdisciplinary project DIAITA - Food Heritage of Lusophony; member of the Institut Européen d'Histoire et Culture de l'Alimentation; as a Latinist, contributor to four national and five international funded projects. Directs the collection "Artes de Mesa" at The Clock Water Publishing House.

Selected Publications

Ornellas e Castro, Inês de (2017). «De Vinho e de Humores. O Testemunho dos textos Seiscentistas de bromatologia.», in Correia de Sousa, Luís e S. Paixão, Rosário (coord.) NVNC EST BIBENDVM. Vinho, identidades e arte de viver. Porto, Edições Afrontamento, pp. 57- 78.

Ornellas e Castro, Inês de (2016) «O corpo e a mesa: códigos de sociabilidade», in Joaquim Pinheiro, Carmen Soares (coord.) Patrimónios Alimentares de Áquem e Além-Mar. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra / Annablume, pp. 521-541

Ornellas e Castro, Inês de (2015) «A ‘pleasant banquet of words’: Therapeutic Virtues and Alimentary Consumption in Garcia de Orta’s Colloquies on the Simples and Drugs of India» in Palmira Fontes da Costa (Edit.) Medicine, Trade and Empire. Garcia de Orta's Colloquies on the Simples and Drugs of India (1563) in Context. Farnham (UK) - Burlington (USA), Ashgate, coll. The History of Medicine in Context, pp.67- 88.

Ornellas e Castro, Inês de. O livro de Cozinha de Apício. Um breviário do gosto imperial (1997; prémio de investigação em 1998, reeditado com introdução acrescida em 2015 na Editora Relógio D'Água).

Ornellas e Castro, Inês de - Drumond Braga, Isabel (2013). «Saberes e Fazeres de Berta Rosa Limpo. A Construção de um Êxito: O Livro de Pantagruel», Faces de Eva, Estudos sobre a Mulher, nº 29, pp. 45-66.

Ornellas e Castro, Inês de (2012). «Voyages autour de la table: identifier le loup à coup de dents» in Transports. Mélanges offerts à Joël Thomas, textes réunis par Mirelle Current, Ghislaine Jay- Robert et Thierry Eloi, Presses Universitaires de Perpignan, coll. Études, pp. 257-267.

Ornellas e Castro, Inês de (2011). De la table des Dieux a la table des Hommes. La symbolique de l’alimentation dans l’antiquité romaine, coll. “Structures et Pouvoirs des imaginaires”, direction de Paul-Augustin Deproost, Paris : Harmattan, 472 pp.