/ Education / PhD / Food Heritage: Cultures and Identities / People / National Experts

Francisco Contente Domingues

[† 2021]

Francisco Contente Domingues

[† 2021]

[Open Class: Life on board the India runway, 04.12.2015]

Professor of the Department of History at the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon.

Aggregation in History by the University of Lisbon (2008).

PhD in History of the Portuguese Expansion (2001).

Member of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences, the Navy Academy (Vice-President 2005-2015) and the Portuguese Academy of History.

Director of the master's degree in Maritime History, promoted by the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon and the Naval School.

Areas of interest: Maritime History and European Expansion.

As part of Food Studies, focus on life on board of the India runway.

Selected Publications

Dicionário da Expansão Portuguesa. (dir.), 2 vols., Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 2016.

​Navios e Viagens. A experiência portuguesa nos séculos XV a XVIII, Lisboa, Tribuna da História, 2008.

Os Navios do Mar Oceano. Teoria e empiria na arquitectura naval portuguesa dos séculos XVI e XVII, Lisboa, Centro de História da U. Lisboa, 2004.

F. Contente Domingues, I. Guerreiro (1998), “A vida a bordo na Carreira da Índia”, Revista da Universidade de Coimbra 34: 185-225.