Rozélia Bezerra

[Open Class: Brazilian Food Heritage: the flavors in the literature of Pernambuco 20.10.2017]

Adjunct Professor, History Department, Federal Rural University of Pernambuco.

Professor in charge of the disciplines of Food History (bachelor's degree in Gastronomy, UFRPE), Food History and Literary Heritage (Degree in History, UFRPE).

Coordinator of the Laboratory of Studies of Food History and Literature (LEHAL), Department of History of UFRPE.

Research and teaching focused on the areas of culture, literature, and history of Brazilian food, in particular the food of Pernambuco.

Coordinator of several seminars on Food History, held at the UFRPE.

Areas of interest: representation of cooking in literature and gender issues; monastic cuisine in Brazil; children's literature menus; the kitchen of “Casa Grande” and the kitchen of the “Senzala” in Pernambuco; Recife’s food fairs and markets