Massimo Montanari

[Open Class to the Doctorate, 22.11.2016]

Professor of Medieval History at the University of Bologna, of, among other subjects, Food History, and director of the Master Storia e cultura dell’alimentazione. Pioneer in this field of studies, approached from the perspective of global history, closely looking at the areas of economics, labor relations, social structures, politics, culture, imaginary and communication.

Corpus of work with relevant international impact, translated into different languages. Held seminars and conferences in many European countries, Japan, the United States, Canada, and Latin America.

In 2012 was awarded the Rabelais Award (established by the Institut Européen d’Histoire et des Cultures de l'Alimentation, Fondation Européenne pour le Patrimoine Alimentaire - Institut de France). Associate member of the Académie Royale de Belgique (Classe des Lettre set Sciences Morales et Politiques) since 2013. Has been appointed a Member of the Portuguese Navy Academy since 2016.

Selected Publications

Alimentazione e cultura nel Medioevo, Laterza, 1988.

La fame e l’abbondanza. Storia dell’alimentazione in Europa, Laterza, 1993.

J.-L. Flandrin, M. Montanari, Storia dell’alimentazione, Laterza, 1997 (trad. port. História da Alimentação, Terramar Ed., 1998-2001, 2008).

La cucina italiana. Storia di una cultura, Laterza, 1999.

Il cibo come cultura, Laterza, 2004.

Gusti del Medioevo, Laterza, 2012.

Mangiare da cristiani. Diete, digiuni, banchetti: storie di una cultura, Milano, Rizzoli, 2015.