John Wilkins

[Open Class to the Doctorate, 9.03.2018]

Professor Emeritus of Classical Studies.

Specialist in the History of Food and Medicine in the Greek-Roman World.

Member of the Scientific Council of the Food and History magazine published by the European Institute of Food History and Cultures.

Main areas of research in this field: gastronomy in ancient Greece; relations between ancient medicine and modern medicine, in the areas of lifestyle and therapy.

Selected Publications

J. Wilkins, R. Nadeau (eds.), Companion to Food in the Ancient World. Chichester 2015.

Ch. Gill, T. Whitmarsh, J. Wilkins (eds.) Galen and the World of Knowledge. Cambridge 2009.

Archestratus: The Life of Luxury. Totnes, 1994, 2nd ed 2011.

Food in European Literature. Exeter 1996.

J. Wilkins, D Harvey, M. Dobson (eds.), Food in Antiquity, Exeter 1995.