/ Education / PhD / Food Heritage: Cultures and Identities / People / Board

Raquel Fino Seiça

Claudete Oliveira Moreira

Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra.

Director of the Institute of Physiology of the FMUC and Integrated Researcher of the Institute for Clinical and Biomedical Research of Coimbra-iCBR-FMUC and of the Centre for Innovation in Biomedicine and Biotechnology- CIBB-UC, and Collaborating Researcher of the University of Coimbra’s Centre for Classical and Humanistic Studies and Centre for Physics.

Pedagogical activities focused on the area of Medical Physiological taught to the courses of Medicine, Dental Medicine, Biomedical Engineering and Medicinal Chemistry.

As main areas of interest are obesity and type 2 diabetes.