/ About

Eulália Marques

Eulália Marques

She holds a degree in Classical Studies (from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra) and Design (from the University of Madeira). Currently, she is pursuing her master's in Teaching Portuguese in the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and Secondary Education and Latin in Secondary Education.

She actively collaborates with the Ludi Conimbringenses (since 2022), an activity to transfer knowledge of Classical Culture to pre-university students in Portugal (promoted by the CECH). She is currently a member of the organising committee.

Since 2023, she has served on the secretariat of the current board of FESTEA, the International Festival of Classical Theatre.

She also promotes the dissemination of both the Thíasos Cultural Association and FESTEA.

Her aim is to combine the two fields in order to promote and innovate Classical Studies.