The accomplishment of the Specially Adequate Exams intended to assess the Ability of Students over 23 years old does not, in itself, confer the right to enrol and register for the course. Applicants who pass the exam have to apply to the course within the deadlines provided for in the Course's Application Calendar. Therefore, it becomes subject to a seriation.

Registration deadline for the applicants over 23 years old Exams

2nd Phase: From 1st July to 30th August

 Online registration: INFORESTUDANTE
 Request type: "[Todos] Registration for the Exam intended to assess the Ability of Students over 23 years old” at InforEstudante in the menu “Academic Service” on the left side.
  If it is the first time you access InforEstudante, select the option “Non-Student Request” and register HERE

Who can register for these exams ?

Individuals over 23 years old (completed until 31st December of the year preceding the one they sit the exams);
Individuals who do not hold academic qualifications to apply to higher education;
Individuals who are not covered by the status of International Student.

Location of the Exams for Applicants over 23 years old

The Specially Adequate Exams intended to assess the Ability of Students over 23 years old to attend Higher Education take place in the Faculties.