/ Projects


Aligning Manufacturing Decision Making with Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

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DM4Manufacturing Project

The project

The number of new disruptive technologies with expected global impact is growing on many fronts. Technologies such as Advanced Robotics, big data analysis, the Internet of things or 3D printing are listed as drivers that will change “life, business and global economy”[MaChBuDoBiMa2013]. Looking into the past and from a manufacturing point of view, the advent of such disruptive technologies, such as CAD/CAM or the internet, only fulfills its potential when the overall management practices adjust to the new reality. Therefore, there is a need for integrated development of these advanced manufacturing technologies with the development of new multi-level decision-making tools. This is the main focus of this project. Recent developments in Robotics are expected to change the landscape of manufacturing processes. Robots are nowadays interacting closely with humans, are

Recent developments in Robotics are expected to change the landscape of manufacturing processes. Robots are nowadays interacting closely with humans, are programmable-by demonstration, easily pluggable at any point on the shop-floor, and capable of interacting in spaces designed for human use. This paradigm change has strong implications for the development of future manufacturing decision-making tools.


The main objective of the DM4Manufacturing project is the integrated development of manufacturing decision-making tools aligned with the efficient use of advanced manufacturing technologies to address upcoming challenges in the high-mix high customization industry. To fulfill the potential of Advanced Robotics in these scenarios there is a need for agile real-time decisions integrated into Adaptive Production Systems. The project will pursue the following multidisciplinary challenges.

Challenge 1 - Optimal automation levels
Plant managers and engineers in general struggle to adjust the level of automation of production lines to product variations and market demand: especially when robots are involved, updates are slow, complex and cost-intensive, and the loss of productivity is considerable due to a stopped manufacturing line. The most common solution is to keep the level of automation deliberately low to guarantee the fast updatability of the system. Another solution is to simply design the manufacturing lines from the start for the maximum estimated customer demand, but this means high initial investment and low equipment utilization during large parts of the product cycle and a huge difficulty to change the product.

Challenge 2 - Human-centered automation
The flexibility of robotic systems to perform a variety of tasks is increasing but the major benefit from the use of collaborative robotics comes from the close cooperation with humans, exploring the best abilities of humans and robots. To maximize this potential, there is a need for decision-making tools that can cope the robot/machine limitations with the human dimension in ergonomic, social and productivity terms.

Challenge 3 - Simulation and Optimization tools for adaptive production systems
Scheduling and controlling manufacturing activities in a dynamic environment, subject to a high level of uncertainty imposed by various unexpected events like machine breakdowns or frequent changes in orders quantity, mix and due dates, is a difficult task. Additionally, increased flexibility allowed by new manufacturing technologies, like robotics, has amplified, rather than reduced, planning, scheduling and control problems. Thus, novel optimization, simulation or simulation-based optimization tools are required to, not only generate robust production schedules but also to undertake real-time rescheduling to cope with the production environment uncertainty.


The DM4Manufacturing project consortium is constituted of three Portuguese institutions: INESC TEC, the University of Coimbra (UC) and the Association of Instituto Superior Técnico for R&D (IST-ID).

DM4Manufacturing @UC

At the University of Coimbra, the work focused on human-robot collision avoidance. Robots are increasingly present in our lives, sharing the workspace with humans. Existing robots do not have autonomy to perceive its unstructured and time-varying surrounding environment, nor the ability to real-time avoid collisions with humans while keeping the task target. Human-robot collision avoidance is critical for robots acceptance as co-workers. Research will focus on the study of novel real-time collision avoidance techniques based on potential fields. Hypothetical repulsion and attraction vectors are computed considering not only the human-robot minimum distance but also the relative velocities, joint limits, redundancy and the Goals-Non-Reachable-with-Obstacle-nearby (GNRON) effect. A controller using Newton method (Hessian) will allow reducing robot vibration escaping to local minima. Kinematics and dynamics controllers ensure a smooth path control at joint and end-effector level. Robot(s) and human(s) are modelled by geometric primitives to mutually compute the analytical minimum distance between them. The proposed methodology will be validated with a real collaborative robot.

Related Publications

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M. A. Simão, O. Gibaru, P. Neto, Online Recognition of Incomplete Gesture Data to Interface Collaborative Robots, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE, Volume 66, Issue 12, December 2019, Pages 9372-9382, DOI 10.1109/TIE.2019.2891449 [www] [pdf]

M. Simão, P. Neto, O. Gibaru, EMG-based online classification of gestures with recurrent neural networks, Pattern Recognition Letters, Elsevier, Volume 128, December 2019, Pages 45–51, DOI 10.1016/j.patrec.2019.07.021 [www]

N. Mendes, M. Simão, P. Neto, Segmentation of electromyography signals for pattern recognition, IECON 2019 – 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Lisbon, Portugal, October 2019, Pages 732-737, DOI 10.1109/IECON.2019.8927221 [www] [pdf]

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M. Simão, N. Mendes, O. Gibaru, P. Neto, A Review on Electromyography Decoding and Pattern Recognition for Human-Machine Interaction, IEEE Access, IEEE, Volume 7, March 2019, Pages 39564–39582, DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2906584 [www] [pdf]

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N. Mendes, M. Safeea, P. Neto, Flexible programming and orchestration of collaborative robotic manufacturing systems, 2018 IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Porto, Portugal, July 2018, Pages 913-918, DOI 10.1109/INDIN.2018.8472058 [www] [pdf]

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M. Simão, P. Neto, O. Gibaru, Using data dimensionality reduction for recognition of incomplete dynamic gestures, Pattern Recognition Letters, Elsevier, Volume 99, November 2017, Pages 32-38, DOI 10.1016/j.patrec.2017.01.003 [www]

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