
Open events with and for the general public

Keeping science at reach outside the academy

We are very active in science dissemination and communication to the general public in many occasions, including the World Bee Day, the European Researchers Night, the Soil International Day and several Bioblitz activities. The members mostly involved in these activities are Lucie Mota, Hugo Gaspar, Helena Castro, João Loureiro, Sílvia Castro, Rafael Carvalho, Sara Lopes, and Catarina Siopa.

2022. Soapbox Science

Sílvia participates in the promotional video for an initiative to promote science communication. WATCH HERE You can also check the full participation on the spot! WATCH HERE

2022. FUSILLI project open day

In this video, Sara and Hugo explain the importance of pollination to the sustainability of food security. With some representatives of each area of study, the event was held at the Market of Castelo Branco. WATCH HERE

2017. World Soil Day

In this event, Lucie worked with Nuno Capela from Soil Ecotoxicology Lab to present the importance of pollinators and its relation with the soil. It was held at Colégio S. Bento. at the University of Coimbra. WATCH HERE

Projects Video Productions

Making clear and atractive content for the digital platforms

2021. Vegetated strips in permanent crops - an ecological and a farmer's perspective for EcoStack H2020 project

Video produced by the EcoStack H2020 project team with the participation of FLOWer lab members, Sílvia Castro and Rafael Carvalho. WATCH HERE

2021. FLOWer lab participation in the CULTIVAR project during 2021

In this video, Catarina Siopa and Hugo Gaspar provide a simplified introduction to what the FLOWer lab planned to do during the 2021 field season within the CULTIVAR project. This was included in a series of videos from the project CULTIVAR where each researcher exposed their work using video content. WATCH HERE

2021. Catarina Siopa PhD introduction

Catarina gives an introduction to the goals of her PhD project, which is being done integrated in CULTIVAR project. WATCH HERE

2021. Video Abstract - Pollination deficit in kiwifruit

The first video abstract made in the FLOWer lab (done within the scope of Miguel Ferreira PhD Thesis). The published work entitled "Spatiotemporal variation in pollination deficits in an insect-pollinated dioecious crop" was led by Helena Castro and Sílvia Castro, with the contribution of several FLOWer lab members, and was made under the project i9kiwi. WATCH HERE

2020. Promotional video to the project i9kiwi

This video was created to promote i9kiwi project that aims to develop strategies for the sustainability of the kiwi industry through the creation of a value-added product. WATCH HERE

2018. Quantification of pollinator services in sunflower crops


2013. Causes and consequences of biological invasions: the study case of Oxalis pes-caprae

Biological invations are major threats to the ecosystems. Its effects are diverse but largely unknow when considering ecological and evolutionary consequences. In this video we present the results of a project between University of Coimbra and University of Vigo that bring some light on the processes involved. Oxalis pes-caprae is the study case, very important as an invasive plant in the Mediterranean habitats worldwide. WATCH HERE

Dedicated TV Productions

This compilation gathers several appearances in thematic content produced to provide scientific knowledge to the general public.

2023. As Palavras do Mundo, ep.8, RTP2

Catarina and Sara talk about the importance of bees to the success of plant reproduction. WATCH HERE

2022. Biosfera, RTP2

Sílvia Castro and Hugo Gaspar talk about the importance of insects to human society and the threat of their populations. WATCH HERE

2021. Biosfera, RTP2

Sílvia Castro, João Loureiro, Hugo Gaspar and Catarina Siopa talk about their work on pollinator and pollination studies in cherry orchards within CULTIVAR project. WATCH HERE

2018. Crise do Clima - no rastro do aquecimento global, Folha de São Paulo

João Loureiro talks about the role of climate change in the ocorrence of wild fires. WATCH HERE

2014. Biosfera, RTP2

This participation was part of the program about plants and their uses. João Loureiro, Sílvia Castro and Daniela Tavares participate in this, to talk about their work on Oxalis. WATCH HERE

2012. República do Saber, RTP2

This participation was part of the program about plants study and its importance. João Loureiro, Sílvia Castro, Mariana Castro, and Andreia Jorge are present, talking about their work on Rhododendron and Oxalis. The interview was given in the Botanical Garden of the University of Coimbra and in the laboratory, at São Bento, University of Coimbra. WATCH HERE

Other TV and Video Appearances

FLOWer lab members also participate in other media channels to talk not only about our projects, but also other subjects.

2023. Insect Apocalypse, RTP1

Sílvia Castro and Hugo Gaspar talk about the importance of insects on the provision of pollination services. (WATCH HERE)

2023. Flower Biology and Pollination Ecology (MODULE II), noticias.uc.pt

Sílvia Castro explains what is the training school that was given at the University of Coimbra by the FLOWer lab and Conserve Plants colaborators. (WATCH HERE)

2021. Vlog Insetos em Rede, Tagis

Sílvia Castro and João Loureiro participate in the 11st episode of this series, talking online about about pollination and pollinators (WATCH HERE) with a special video for kiwi pollination (WATCH HERE).

2019. Portugal em Directo, RTP

Sara Lopes talks about her work on vegetation sampling for the project BGOOD, in Idanha-A-Nova. WATCH HERE

2013. Jornal da Uma, TVI

Sílvia Castro and João Loureiro talk about the activity "Infusão de Ciência – A Vida Amorosa das Plantas" in the Botanical Garden of the University of Coimbra. WATCH HERE

2011. Livro da Semana, rede UC

João Loureiro is invited to recomend a couple of books for the community of the University of Coimbra. WATCH HERE

Radio and Podcasts

2023. Antena 1 for 90 segundos de Ciência. Lucie Mota. LISTEN HERE

2023. Podcast Com Razão, 12. Sílvia Castro and João Loureiro. LISTEN HERE

2022. Podcast Palavra de Cientista, november. Sílvia Castro. LISTEN HERE

2022. RTP2 for Podcast Biosfera, 14 november. Sílvia Castro. LISTEN HERE

2022. Antena 1 for Noticiário Nacional, 30 july. Lucie Mota. LISTEN HERE

2022. Antena 3 for Manhãs da 3, celebrating World Bee Day. João Loureiro and Sílvia Castro. LISTEN HERE

2021. Fora do Vaso Podcast. João Loureiro. LISTEN HERE

2020. Antena 1 for 90 segundos de Ciência, talking about CULTIVAR project. João Loureiro. LISTEN HERE

News and News Articles

2023. article for Wilder.pt. "Europa tem 2.138 espécies de abelhas selvagens, revela nova lista". READ HERE

2023. article for GreenSavers. "Polinizadores, os pequenos grandes heróis do mundo das flores". READ HERE

2023. article for Wilder.pt. "Cinco perguntas sobre o projecto europeu dedicado aos insectos". READ HERE

2023. article for Coimbra Coolectiva. Efeito borboleta: vamos passar à acção e dar abrigo aos polinizadores. READ HERE

2022. article for GreenSavers.pt. "Investigadores da FCTUC em Convenção da ONU". READ HERE

2022. news for several journals like Diário de Coimbra, Diário das Beiras, Voz do Campo, Agrotec and Público. "Projeto europeu monitoriza polinizadores em seis áreas de Portugal". READ HERE

2022. news for several journals like Diário de Coimbra, Diário das Beiras, Visão, Obervador, Voz do Campo, Agrotec and Público.

2022. article for Wilder.pt. "Andrena lusitania: Uma nova abelha para a Ciência foi descoberta em Portugal". READ HERE

2022. news for several journals like Diário de Coimbra, Diário das Beiras, Voz do Campo, Agrotec and Público. "Estudo europeu liderado por Coimbra propõe estratégia agro-ambiental para melhorar produção agrícola". READ HERE

2022. article for Wilder.pt. "Saiba como pode tornar o seu jardim num refúgio para os polinizadores". READ HERE

2022. news for several journals like Diário de Coimbra, Diário das Beiras, Visão, Obervador, Voz do Campo, Agrotec and Público. "Criada a primeira base de dados global para prever o papel dos polinizadores de culturas agrícolas". READ HERE

2021. article for Wilder.pt. "Cinco coisas que as cidades portuguesas estão a fazer pelos polinizadores". READ HERE

2021. article for Wilder.pt. "A partir de agora Portugal tem uma Rede para conservar os nossos polinizadores". READ HERE

2021. news for several journals like Diário das Beiras, Wilder.pt, Voz do Campo, Agrotec, Rede Rural and Público. "Apresentação da Rede Colaborativa para a Avaliação, Conservação e Valorização dos Polinizadores e da Polinização". READ HERE

2017. five articles for weekly collum Todas as Plantas Têm Nome from Diário de Coimbra. number 15, 17, 19, 30 and 31. READ HERE

Other social media iniciatives

FLOWer Life

In this initiative, each member presented what they enjoy in their life outside the academic world. It included music, movies, television shows, hobbies and much more! Do not miss this opportunity to know our members!

FLOWer Field Notes

In this initiative, each member presents an exclusive look to their field notes. Most people is not aware about what biologists write on their notes; here you can find out and learn a bit more about FLOWer Lab members!


Do you want to know what are the musics that are paying homage to the incredible pollinators and plants of the world? In this playlist (available on Spotify HERE) you can find them all! There are all types of genre, from classic, to rock, to pop! Every week a new song!

BMSB awareness campaign

Making the necessary steps to follow the spread of Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Halyomorpha halys) in Portugal since late 2018 within the scope of i9kiwi project. We started using several approaches to spread the work, including identification flyers, specifics posts on social media about the biology of this emergent pest, and a strong presence in the media in late 2019 (CLICK TO EXPLORE, RTP, TVI, Euronews, Antena 1, Observador and comedy shows mentions like Cá por casa and Portugalex). A big part of our work is to have an open channel about this topic using a facebook group, to promote the inaturalist project and to keep spreading the word in seminars. The members involved the most in this initiative are Hugo Gaspar, João Loureiro and Sílvia Castro.