
08 fevereiro, 2023≈ 2 min read

Today we start a new weekly rubric of FLOWer Lab - #SpotiFLY - in which we will share with you songs with pollinators in the title or lyrics!
Each song will be evaluated by a dynamic FLOWer Lab panel according to its quality (always subjective evaluation), scientific rigour and pertinence in the theme of pollinators (both evaluated by the lyrics and the music video).
After careful consideration, we felt we had to start with this classic "Flight of the Bumblebee" by Russian composer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov from 1900.
This composition is meant to evoke the seemingly chaotic and rapidly changing flight pattern of a bumblebee, and is a pop culture classic. Unfortunately, we have to say that the tension caused by the musical notes in this composition do little to demythologise the unfounded fear caused by these furry and quite cuddly pollinators!
Follow the SpotiFLY playlist here:
We'll be adding the new songs every week!
Unofficial unpaid partnership with Spotify (but we're open to making it official!)

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