New publication "Diploid Nuclei Occur throughout the Life Cycles of Pucciniales Fungi"

12 junho, 2023≈ 2 min read

New publication with the contribution of FLOWer Lab.
In a long-standing collaboration with researchers from LEAF - Linking Landscape, Environment, Agriculture and Food (Instituto Superior de Agronomia), in this publication we demonstrated the occurrence of haploid, diploid and replicated diploid nuclei throughout the life cycles of fungi of the order Pucciniales, which challenges what is postulated for fungi, i.e, haplont life cycles, i.e. with haploid nuclei throughout their life cycle, occurring a single diploid cell (the asco in the Ascomycota and the basidia in the Basidiomycota) after karyogamy which then enters meiosis, restarting the haplont cycle.
This study allows a better understanding of the biology and pathogenicity of these organisms, besides constituting a challenge to the scientific community by suggesting the existence in Pucciniales of a life cycle different from that postulated for fungi.
Learn all about it here:
Laboratório Associado Terra