New paper! "Best practices in plant cytometry: The second tranche"

02 setembro, 2022≈ 5 min read

The 2nd special issue of the scientific journal Cytometry Part A, dedicated to good practices in the application of flow cytometry to plants, was published yesterday, with editing by João Loureiro from FLOWer Lab (Centre for Functional Ecology - Science for People & the Planet, Departamento de Ciências da Vida - UC)) and David Galbraith!

In this special issue you will find among other scientific articles, one dedicated to the selection, collection, preservation and storage of plant material for the estimation of nuclear DNA content, and another dedicated to good practice guidelines for the various applications of flow cytometry in plants.

Read all about it in the editorial by David Galbraith and João Loureiro:

And access the full special issue here:

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