European Researchers’ Night in Coimbra

01 outubro, 2022≈ 5 min read

Yesterday at the end of the day and night it was like this! Thank you very much to everyone who passed by our stand at the European Researchers' Night in Coimbra! It was a huge honour to talk to you about #pollinators and #pollination!

Our special thanks to all the team of the Noite Europeia dos Investigadores Coimbra, in particular to the Instituto de Investigação Interdisciplinar da Universidade de Coimbra for a fantastic organization that definitely brought closer the city, in particular the Baixa de Coimbra, and the Science made in UC!

#Sciever #nei2022 #ern2022 #europeanresearchnight #iiiUC #UnivCoimbra #science #research #communication #community #sciencecommunication #FLOWerLab