Ana Afonso presented her PhD thesis!

05 novembro, 2022≈ 2 min read

Today is a very happy day for FLOWer Lab! We have a PhD!
Congratulations Ana Afonso for the brilliant defense of your PhD thesis entitled: "The role of polyploidy in the genesis of diversity in Linum suffruticosum s.l. (Linaceae)", and also for all your excellence during the last years.
At FLOWer Lab we are all very proud of you.
The defence was attended by Isabel Marques from the Instituto Superior de Agronomia, and Luis Navarro from the Universidade de Vigo, as main arguers, and also by António Portugal and Fátima Sales from the Department of Life Science of the Universidade de Coimbra, besides one of the advisors, Juan Arroyo, to whom we thank a lot for the scientific discussion of the work!
Group photo: José Reis
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