No âmbito das unidades curriculares Energy Economics and Energy Markets e Utilities Management, decorre no dia 19 de novembro, pelas 14h15, em formato hibrido, a Aula aberta com o tema “The pursuit of sustainable energy by incumbent utilities - Insights from corporate deals from 1990 to 2019”.

Esta aula tem como convidados, Eva Niesten (Professor of Strategy and Sustainability - SKEMA Business School - Paris, France) e Guillermo Ivan Pereira (Senior Research Associate in Sustainable Energy and Industry at the Norwich Business School, University of East Anglia, UK).

ID da reunião: 842 2882 5262
Senha de acesso: 881936

Energy utilities have an important role to play in facilitating the transition to a more sustainable energy industry. In our study, we analyse 5,440 boundary-spanning transactions by 19 incumbent European energy utilities from 1990 to 2019, to predict when these utilities expand into sustainable transactions as compared to traditional ones. Sustainable transactions include renewable energy generation, smart energy management, emerging sustainable energy technologies and sustainable mobility. Traditional transactions of utilities include energy production using fossil fuel, nuclear and hydro power, energy transmission, distribution, and retail, but also water provision, lighting, and waste management. Since most of the utilities’ transactions are traditional ones, it is important to understand when they expand into sustainability. Our random and fixed-effects logit models show that utilities more often expand into sustainability with partners from different industries using contracts and joint ventures instead of M&As. Although these transactions allow utilities to access complementary resources and expand into novel sustainable activities, they also increase uncertainty due to information asymmetry with distant partners and the potential for opportunistic behaviour in flexible governance forms. While the choice for sustainable transactions is directly associated with a high performance and a high and diverse experience with sustainable energy, our marginal analyses also indicate that utilities use their high performance and experience to manage the uncertainty associated with distant partners and flexible governance.

Short Bios
Prof. Dr. Eva Niesten is a Full Professor of Strategy and Sustainability at SKEMA Business School in Paris. Before joining SKEMA, Eva was an associate professor at Alliance Manchester Business School of the University of Manchester, and an assistant professor at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development at Utrecht University. Her research interests focus on environmental sustainability, clean technologies, collaboration, and business models. She has published extensively on these topics in journals such as International Journal of Management Reviews, Long Range Planning, Journal of Business Ethics, Business Strategy and the Environment, Small Business Economics, and Energy Policy.

Dr. Guillermo Ivan Pereira is a Senior Research Associate in Sustainable Energy and Industry at the Norwich Business School, University of East Anglia. His work focuses on providing a better understanding of how the energy transition unfolds, including the adaptation of technology, policy, and organisations to deliver sustainable energy systems. Guillermo’s current research focuses on analysing how power utilities invest in sustainable energy innovations. Before joining the University of East Anglia, he was a Research Associate in Sustainable Energy Innovation at the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, Alliance Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester. Guillermo completed his Ph.D. in Sustainable Energy Systems at the University of Coimbra, Portugal, and the MIT Portugal Program.