Every two years the 2nd year doctoral researchers of the Doctoral Programme in International Relations - International Politics and Conflict Resolution, offered by the Faculty of Economics in collaboration with the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra, organises a Summer School gathering their research interests.

The 2023 edition includes sessions on gender, ethnography, terrorism, narratives, decolonial peace and peacebuilding, as well as a career development session on science communication and a session on body coordination. This is an immersive summer school for the PIRC doctoral researchers and their teaching staff as a research community.
The programme is available here: https://padlet.com/fernandacurbage1/summer-school-2023-pirc-ces-ucoimbra-tdutk2axrpa4v3st.

Applications for studying at PIRC are open until June 15, 2023.

All information here: https://www.uc.pt/en/feuc/eea/phd-degree-courses/relacoes-internacionais-international-politics-and-conflict-resolution/candidaturas/