Realiza-se no dia 24 de novembro, 14h15, no anfiteatro 3.2. a aula aberta Natural Gas fundamentals and markets com Miguel Duarte e Diogo Franco no âmbito das unidades curriculares “Gestão de Utilities” (do Mestrado em Gestão) | “Economia da Energia e Mercados de Energia” (Mestrado em Energia para a Sustentabilidade)

Miguel Duarte is a Pipeline Gas Trader with ten years of Energy Markets experience at Galp. Having specialized in European wholesale trading of Power, Gas and Green Energy Products, he has a solid background in Land Use and Transport Economics and the technical and economic analysis of Photovoltaic Systems.

Diogo Franco is a Supply & Trading LNG expert at Galp. He has more than 15 years of LNG marketing experience, negotiating and managing Short, Medium and Long-Term agreement (both as a Buyer and as a Seller). He has worked at Galp’s Lisbon, Geneva and Rotterdam offices.