In Search for a Common Future in Solidarity - DIALOP as a platform of dialogue between Christians and Marxists

Cornelia Hildebrandt

José Manuel Pureza

23 de maio de 2022, 15h00 (GMT+1)

Evento em formato digital

Moderator: Teresa Toldy (UFP/CES)

Dialogue between Christians and Marxists has taken various paths over time. Pope Francis’ discourse about the socio-economic, ecological and cultural challenges of our time opens up space for the search of convergences between Marxism and Christianism – traditionally seen as opposed fields. The project DIALOP (Transversal Dialogue Project) seeks to deepen or intensify this search for complementarities and harmonies in order to find the needed transformative action.

Bio notes

José Manuel Pureza – Professor of International Relations at the School of Economics of the University of Coimbra and researcher at CES (Centre for Social Studies – University of Coimbra). Member of the Christian Host Community John XXIII. Leader of the Portuguese political party Bloco de Esquerda.

Cornelia Hildebrandt – Copresident of Transform! Europe (network of 39 European organizations of 23 countries associated with the Party of European Left). Advisor of the Institute for Critical Social Analysis of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation

Webseminar of the working group POLICREDOS


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