Workshop da Professora Darina Saxunova na FEUC

No dia 2 de junho, pelas 14h30, na sala Keynes, a Professora Darina Saxunova, Bratislava University, irá proferir um workshop sobre “Accounting and Corporate Social Responsability”.

Darina Saxunova is an associated professor, she has been taught courses of Financial Accounting, Strategic Cost Management (Managerial Accounting), Financing organisations and Financial Analysis and Control at Faculty of Management of Comenius University in Bratislava, and abroad as well, she has been invited to lecture accounting courses at Catholic university in Lille already for ten years, and she is a visiting professor of the University of Lorraine in Nancy/Metz in France, Mont Clair State university, New Jersey, USA, Central European University in Nicosia, Cyprus.