/ Cátedras / Boaventura de Sousa Santos

Rosalva Aída Hernández | 2019-2020


Rosalva Aída Hernández | Research and Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology (CIESAS)

Born in Ensenada, Baja California, she earned her doctorate in anthropology from Stanford University in 1996. She is Professor and Senior Researcher at the Centre for Research and Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology (CIESAS) in Mexico City. She worked as a journalist since she was 18 years old in a Central American Press Agency. Since she was an undergraduate she has combined her academic work with media projects in radio, video and journalism. Her academic work has promoted indigenous and women rights in Latin America. She has done field work in indigenous communities in the Mexican states of Chiapas, Guerrero and Morelos, with Guatemalan refugees and with African immigrants in the South of Spain. She has published more than twenty books and her academic work has been translated to English, French, and Japanese. Her more recent book entitled Multiple InJusticies. Indigenous Women Law and Political Struggle in Latin America, will be published by University of Arizona Pres. She is recipient of the Martin Diskin Oxfam Award for her activist research and of the Simon Bolivar Chair (2013-2014) granted by Cambridge University for her academic work.

Her research interests cover ethnic studies, legal and political anthropology, postcolonial feminisms and activist research. One of her projects involves exploring the experience of indigenous women with customary law and national law. She has worked extensively in the past on exploring plural identities in Chiapas as well as the human rights of Guatemalan refugees in Mexico. She is the author of Sur Profundo. Identidades Indígenas en la Frontera Chiapas Guatemala (CIESAS-CDI 2013) , Histories and Stories from Chiapas: Border Identities in Southern Mexico (UT Press 2001) published also in Spanish as La Otra Frontera: Identidades Múltiples en el Chiapas Postcolonial (2001), and of Etnografías e Historias de Resistencias. Mujeres Indígenas Resistencia Cotidiana y Organización Colectiva (2008 PUEG-UNAM-CIESAS) and is co-editor of: Descolonizando el Feminismo. Teorías y Prácticas desde los Márgenes (Catedra 2008) Dissident Women. Gender and Cultural Politics in Chiapas (UT Press 2006); El Estado y los indígenas en tiempos del PAN: neoindigenismo, identidad y legalidad (Porrúa 2004), Mayan Lives, Mayan Utopias: the Indigenous Peoples of Chiapas and the Zapatista Rebellion (Rowman & Littlefield 2003); and The Other Word: Women and Violence in Chiapas Before and After Acteal (IWGIA 2001) among other books. She is a recipient of the Martin Diskin Oxfam Award for her activist research.

Aula Magistral | Cátedra Boaventura de Sousa Santos em Ciências Sociais

Los Feminismos Descoloniales ante las Violencias Extremas
Rosalva Aída Hernández

25 de março de 2022, 15 horas

Auditório, Faculdade de Economia da UC

En la última década hemos sido testigos de una profundización de las múltiples violencias que afectan el tejido social en México y Centroamérica. La violencia patriarcal se manifiesta en diversos espacios, ahora ejercida por hombres armados vinculados al crimen organizado, a las fuerzas de seguridad o a grupos paramilitares.

Las feministas que apostamos por la investigación-activista enfrentamos un contexto de graves violaciones a los derechos humanos y de una “pedagogía del terror” en donde los desplazamientos forzados, las desapariciones, los juvenicidios, los feminicidios, los secuestros y las extorsiones marcan la vida cotidiana de las comunidades con las que trabajamos. Estamos en medio de contextos de guerras no reconocidas, en las que los perpetradores de la violencia pueden ser integrantes del crimen organizado o del gobierno en turno. Hay nuevas expresiones de masculinidades violentas vinculados al crimen organizado y su combate. En algunas regiones las fronteras entre víctimas y perpetradores no están claramente delimitadas y la violencia se reproduce en los espacios domésticos y comunitarios. En este contexto nos enfrentamos a la necesidad de desarrollar nuevas perspectivas teóricas y metodológicas para analizar el vínculo entre las violencias estructurales y las violencias extremas desde un feminismo crítico y descolonial, que apueste por dialogar con otras formas no eurocéntricas de entender la justicia, la vida digna y el resarcimiento.

En esta ponencia quisiera compartir algunos de los retos y logros para desarrollar una investigación socialmente comprometida en un contexto de múltiples violencias, a partir de mis experiencias de investigación en México y Centro América, como integrante de un equipo de antropología jurídica que ha venido trabajando con mujeres indígenas víctimas de violencias estructurales y violencias extremas, y con un equipo forense que ha acompañado la búsqueda de familiares de desaparecidos.

Nota biográfica
Rosalva Aída Hernández | Senior Researcher at the Centre for Research and Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology (CIESAS) in Mexico City

Born in Ensenada, Baja California, she earned her doctorate in anthropology from Stanford University in 1996. She is Professor and Senior Researcher at the Centre for Research and Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology (CIESAS) in Mexico City. She worked as a journalist since she was 18 years old in a Central American Press Agency. Since she was an undergraduate she has combined her academic work with media projects in radio, video and journalism. Her academic work has promoted indigenous and women rights in Latin America. She has done field work in indigenous communities in the Mexican states of Chiapas, Guerrero and Morelos, with Guatemalan refugees and with African immigrants in the South of Spain. She has published more than twenty books and her academic work has been translated to English, French, and Japanese. Her more recent book entitled Multiple InJusticies. Indigenous Women Law and Political Struggle in Latin America, will be published by University of Arizona Pres. She is recipient of the Martin Diskin Oxfam Award for her activist research and of the Simon Bolivar Chair (2013-2014) granted by Cambridge University for her academic work.

Her research interests cover ethnic studies, legal and political anthropology, postcolonial feminisms and activist research. One of her projects involves exploring the experience of indigenous women with customary law and national law. She has worked extensively in the past on exploring plural identities in Chiapas as well as the human rights of Guatemalan refugees in Mexico. She is the author of Sur Profundo. Identidades Indígenas en la Frontera Chiapas Guatemala (CIESAS-CDI 2013) , Histories and Stories from Chiapas: Border Identities in Southern Mexico (UT Press 2001) published also in Spanish as La Otra Frontera: Identidades Múltiples en el Chiapas Postcolonial (2001), and of Etnografías e Historias de Resistencias. Mujeres Indígenas Resistencia Cotidiana y Organización Colectiva (2008 PUEG-UNAM-CIESAS) and is co-editor of: Descolonizando el Feminismo. Teorías y Prácticas desde los Márgenes (Catedra 2008) Dissident Women. Gender and Cultural Politics in Chiapas (UT Press 2006); El Estado y los indígenas en tiempos del PAN: neoindigenismo, identidad y legalidad (Porrúa 2004), Mayan Lives, Mayan Utopias: the Indigenous Peoples of Chiapas and the Zapatista Rebellion (Rowman & Littlefield 2003); and The Other Word: Women and Violence in Chiapas Before and After Acteal (IWGIA 2001) among other books. She is a recipient of the Martin Diskin Oxfam Award for her activist research.