ANTROPOLOGIA BIOLÓGICA Ana Carina Pinto Marques A diachronic approach to neoplasms: skeletal evidence from the Portuguese identified osteological collections (19th-20th centuries)
Bruno Miguel Silva Magalhães When breathing is a burden. Sinonasal variations and diseases affecting the human skull in three Portuguese identified osteological collections (19th-20th centuries)
Daniela Rodrigues da Costa Association of social, cultural and environmental factors with participation in extracurricular sport and obesity indicators in 6-10-year-old children living in urban and non-urban settings
Lucy Elizabeth Shaw Evangelista Resting in peace or in pieces? Tomb I and death management in the 3rd millennium BC at the Perdigões Enclosure (Reguengos de Monsaraz, Portugal)
ANTROPOLOGIA SOCIAL E CULTURAL Aline Maria Müller Arte Kadiwéu: processos de produção
Maria Auxiliadora León Molina Cara y cruz de la influencia del catolicismo en víctimas de violencia doméstica