
Projects in development

  • “Ecosistemas del Cretácico de Castilla La Mancha: Investigación Paleontológica y fomento del desarrollo local” SBPLY/21/180501/000242 (total: 34.213 €). Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha. PI: Fernando Barroso-Barcenilla, Universidad de Alcalá. 2022-2025.
  • “Comparison of national exams in Portugal with 12 other countries”, financed by Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation (PI Professor Jaime Carvalho e Silva, DM-FCTUC). Outros membros: Fernando Figueiredo
  • “GeoPlaNet-EMJM (2022-2028)”, ação ERASMUS-EMJM-UN, liderado pela Univ de Nantes e com a participação das universidades de Coimbra e d’Annunzio (Chieti). Financiamento da Comissão Europeia no montante global de 3,432,000 € e orçamento para a UC de 214,586 €,;
  • “SAMEPA: Speleothems as magnetic, environmental and paleo-fire archives” (01-01-2022 a 31-12-2025). Referência: PTDC/CTA-GEO/0125/2021. Investigador Principal: Éric Font. Financiamento da FCT, montante global de 244.649,19€, orçamento para a UC de 210.399,19€,
  • “Innovative digital GEO – Tools for enhancing teachers’ digital, green and spatial skills towards an effective” (GEO-ACADEMY)”. Referência: ERASMUS-EDU-2022-PEX-TEACH-ACA (Partnership for Excellence - Erasmus+ Teacher Academies STEAM Education for Sustainable Development). Proposal number: 101104693. Investigador principal: Loukas Katikas, Ethniko Metsovio Polytechnio (NTUA), Grécia.
  • “Paleontología del Cretácico Inferior del norte de la Serranía de Cuenca: Ciencia, Didáctica y Divulgación” SBPLY/22/1800801/000060 (total: 7.080 €) Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha - Câmara Municipal de Cañizares. PI: Fernando Barroso-Barcenilla, Universidad de Alcalá.
  • “SAMEPA: Speleothems as magnetic, environmental and paleo-fire archives” Projeto PTDC/CTA-GEO/0125/2021, (01-01-2022 a 31-12-2025), financiamento da FCT no montante global de 244 649,19€, orçamento para a UC de 210 399,19 €,
  • “Predictive models for startegic metal rich granite-related ore systems based on mineral and geochemical fingerprints and footprints – MOSTMEG” ERA-MIN/0002/2019 (outubro 2020 junho 2024). Research & Innovation Programme on Raw Materials to Foster Circular Economy. Financiamento para a UC 19375 euros.
  • “P3-SWE-XXXVII SWE Products for Southern Europe - Phase 1” financiado pela Agência Espacial Europeia (ESA AO/1-9408/18/D/CT)
  • “TGF and High-energy astrophysics Observatory for gamma-Rays on board the Space Rider”, financiado pela Agência Espacial Europeia (PRODEX - PEA 4000141332). Orçamento total: 489 408 €.
  • “Seasonal, annual, and multidirectional sand flux trends related to global or regional forcing factors” (total: 460 k$ - UC 0€). NASA Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES)-2020, NNH20ZDA001N-MDAP. PI: Matthew Chojnacki, University of Arizona. 2021-2024.
  • SPINLab -
  • RISCOS - "Risks Consortium"
  • SUGERE - Sustainable Sustainability and Wise Use of Geological Resources. Funding Program: Erasmus +, KA2 ? Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices ? Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education. Application Reference Number: 598477-EPP-1-2018-1-PT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP; Universidade de Coimbra.
  • "Tragaldabas Consortium" (international colaboration)

Finalised projects

  • “Space Weather Awareness Training Network (SWATNET)”. Referência: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020. Proposal number: 955620. Investigador Principal: Emilia Kilpua, Helsingin Yliopisto (2020-2023).
  • 150 years of the scientific activity of the Geophysical Institute of the University of Coimbra: history and heritage of the Earth and Environment sciences in Portugal - Project reference PTDC/FER-HFC/30666/2017 (IC&DT - AAC nº 02/SAICT/2017) - 2022.
  • EUGLOH: EU Alliances on Global Health. Reference: 612531-EPP-1-2019-1-FR-EPPKA2-EUR-UNIV. Erasmus +. 1/10/2019 – 31/12/2022. EU Grant: 5.000.000,00 €. UP budget: 943.855,00 EUR. UP & CITEUC researchers: M. A. Salgueiro da Silva & T. M Seixas
  • SWAIR - Space Weather and GNSS monitoring services for Air Navigation - link1 link2 - 2020.
  • ReNATURE - Valorização dos Recursos Naturais Endógenos da Região Centro - 2022.
  • FIRE - Fogo Island volcano: multi disciplinary research on 2014 Eruption. Mission to Fogo to collect geological, seismic, geodetic, and geochemical data to improve volcanic hazard assessment in the island and recommend on risk mitigation strategies. Focus Project, (H2020), 2018-2020.
  • Measurements of Cosmic Rays with a Trasgo-type detector at the Spanish Antarctic Base, from 2017 to 2019, funded by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Madrid, Spain) (CTM2016-77325-C2-2-P) - 2020.
  • GeoPlaNet: International Research and Training Network in Planetary Geoscience ( - 2023.
  • MAG-GIC: Geomagnetically induced currents in Portugal mainland (PTDC/CTA-GEO/31744/2017) ( - 2022.
  • GAIA - National Participation in the Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC) projectGaia - PTDC/C TE-SPA /118692/2010 - 2016.
  • European Plate Observing System, H2020 - ES, CITEUC-FCUP, Reference: 676564
  • C4G - Collaboratory for Geosciences ( - 2022.
  • Antarctic Cosmic Ray Observatory (ORCA), from 2017 to 2019, funded by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Madrid, Spain) (CTM2016-77325-C2-1-P) - 2020.
  • QG-APLIC: Quasi-Geostrophic Approximation in Planetary Liquid Cores (PTDC/CTE-GIX/119967/2010)
  • Ab initio Multidisciplinary Study of AMS generation and relation to progressive strain: an experimental approach (AMSprogress) - PTDC/CTE-GIX/098696/2008.
  • Aeolian bedform dynamics on Earth and Mars. A terrestrial analogue approach. EuroPlanet TransNationalAccess call 2015.
  • ANAPOLIS -PTDC/CTE-SPA/099041/2008 (2010-2012): Analysis of polygonal terrains on Mars based on terrestrial analogs.
  • "Application for a Feasibility Study. Solar Risk Service for Air Navigation" in cooperation with Present Tecnhologies (coordenador), Blue Cover, DC Ventures. Funded by: PTTI - Portuguese Technology Transfer Inittiative.
  • AQUAREL - Quanticação de Sismos e da Estrutura Interna Terrestre à Escala Regional: Aplicação à Península Ibérica Ocidental, Funded by FCT, PTDC/CTE-GIX/116819/2010. Team member
  • ART-SEIS: Automated Real-Time broad band SEISmology in the azores-gibraltar region, Funded by Framework Program 7 - Marie Curie (FP7), EU. PIRG03-GA-2008-230922. Leader
  • CAMEL - Caracterização e Classificação de Campos de Dunas em Marte Baseada em Análogos Terrestres. Funded by: PTDC/CTE-SPA/117786/2010.
  • Chandrayaan - 1 - C1XS - ISRO. Launched 2008. Team member.
  • DESIRE - Dynamic Evaluation of Seismic Risk - with IGUP - FCT, ended 2008. Project Leader, EIA.
  • Electro-acoustic coupling in rocks under mechanical action. CITEUC-FCUP project members: M. A. Salgueiro da Silva, T. M. Seixas. Reference: PTDC /GEO-FIQ/4178/2012, May 2013 - May 2015.
  • Evolution of Solar Activity over a Solar Cycle - from Statistics to Physics
  • Estratigrafia e Geoquímica das Sequências Vulcânicas das Ilhas da Graciosa e São Jorge - Arquipélago dos Açores (Portugal). Funded by: FCT/CAPES.
  • 2008-2010: Estudo geológico das minas Douradas, Cerro Rico e São José: apoio ao desenvolvimento da região de Lavras do Sul.
  • Fluvial terraces, references to evaluate the fluvial incision and crustal uplift in central Portugal (western Iberia) - with Univ. Évora (FCT, ended 2008) (Team member). Projecto de Cooperação bilateral - Cooperação Científica e Tecnológica - Convénio.
  • FSE/CED/83453/2008-Optimização do Ensino das Ciências Experimentais. [2009-].Team member
  • Geoquímica Elementar e Isotópica das Rochas Vulcânicas da llha de São Jorge e Graciosa, Açores: contribuição ao estudo da vulcano-estratigrafia e processos petrogenéticos.
  • GRICES-CAPES (2006) - Afinidade geoquímica e organização faciológica dos vulcanitos das Ilhas Corvo, Flores e Faial - Arquipélago dos Açores, Portugal - (Team member).
  • HC/0119/2009 - História da Ciência na Universidade de Coimbra (1547-1933).
  • Laboratorial Study of Electromagnetic Emission by Compressed Rocks. Project team: M. A. Salgueiro da Silva (CITEUC-FCUP), T. M. Seixas (CITEUC-FCUP). Reference: IPG-22, University of Porto, 2007-2008.
  • MAGIC/MARTE - PDCTE/CTA/49724/03 (2004-2009) - Mars Atmospheric, Geologic andExobiologic Classification.
  • Magnetic characterization of meteorites using a mobile facility. Project team: M. A. Salgueiro da Silva (CITEUC-FCUP), T. M. Seixas (CITEUC-FCUP). Reference: PP_IJUP2011_79, University of Porto, 2012-2013.
  • Modelling of reflectance spectra of asteroids. EuroPlanet TA 2020, H2020 - ES - Horizon 2020 - Excellent Science. Project team: M. A. Salgueiro da Silva (CITEUC-FCUP), T. M. Seixas (CITEUC-FCUP). Reference: 16-EPN2-044, 2016.
  • 2009-2010: Morfologia e geoquímica dos púmices do Complexo Vulcânico Cedros (Grupo Superior), Ilha do Faial, Açores.
  • PIMHAI - EU, INTERREG IIIb program - ATLANTIC AREA (2004/2007) - Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imagery Analysis from Acquisition to Decision Making and Expertise in Environment Management.
  • Planet mapping for the explorers of future":
  • "Planetary maps for children":
  • Plano intermunicipal de adaptação às alterações climáticas da CIM-RC (Comunidade Intermunicipal da região Centro)
  • PROANTAR- CNPq Brasil (2010-2012): Estudo Comparativo do Magmatismodas ilhas King George, Robert, Livingston e Deception, Antártica.
  • Projecto Ciência Viva "Actividades práticas para a aprendizagem da Geologia da nossa região" - Agrupamento de Escolas da Lousã - Escola Básica 2-3 da Lousã 1130 (µ 1130.). Team member
  • Proyecto Montera - Los montes submarinos del sur de Iberia: tectonica y sedimentación - with Instituto Español de Oceanografia, Malaga;
  • PTDC/CTE-GIX/099447/2008- Caracterização petrofísica e gravimétrica do Complexo Plutónico tardi-varisco de Stª Eulália (Zona Ossa Morena): Implicações para a sua génese, instalação e mineralizações. Team member
  • PTDC/CTE-GIN/66283/2006-Paleoseismological Study of Active Faults in Mainland Portugal - with LATTEX, ISEP and EU - FCT. [2008-]. Team member
  • PTDC/HIS-ARQ/098633/2008-O Algar do Bom Santo e as sociedades neolíticas da Estremadura portuguesa (6.º-4.º milénios A.C.). ( [2009-]. Team member
  • SCENE: Site Condition Evaluation for National Seismic Hazard Estimation, Funded by FCT, PTDC/CTE-GIX/103032/2008. Team member
  • SIGN - Recovery and Access to Geophysical Historical Data - with IM, IGIDL and IGUP - FCT. (Team member).
  • SMART-1 (Small Missions for Advanced Research in Technology, Moon) - D-CIXS - ESA.
  • Study of ionospheric seismo-electromagnetic anomalies using the GPS-TEC technique. Project team: M. A. Salgueiro da Silva (CITEUC-FCUP), T. M. Seixas (CITEUC-FCUP). Reference: IJUP-53, University of Porto, 2010-2011.
  • TERPOLI - PTDC/CTE-SPA/65092/2006 (2007-2009) - Automatic Recognition and Characterization of Polygonal Terrains on Mars.
  • TEXTOS - FCT, POCTI/ECM/46255/2002 (2004/2007) - Image Analysis of Ornamental Stone. Textures.
  • The geometry and morphometry of normal fault scarps on the Afar Depression: constrains on the paleoclimatic evolution of Mars. EuroPlanet TransNationalAccess call 2017.
  • WILAS: West Iberia Lithosphere and Astenosphere Structure, Funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal. PTDC/CTE-GIX/097946/2008. Team member